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Changes in - removal of try_depth ref (#9827)
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Anukriti12 committed Apr 7, 2021
1 parent 2226776 commit 69a573f
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Showing 2 changed files with 95 additions and 76 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Changes
Expand Up @@ -218,6 +218,9 @@ Working version
- #9650, #9651: keep refactoring the pattern-matching compiler
(Gabriel Scherer, review by Thomas Refis and Florian Angeletti)

- #9827: Replace references with functions arguments in Simplif
(Anukriti Kumar, review by Vincent Laviron and David Allsop)

- #9994: Make Types.type_expr a private type, and abstract marking mechanism
(Jacques Garrigue and Takafumi Saikawa,
review by Gabriel Scherer and Leo White)
Expand Down
168 changes: 92 additions & 76 deletions lambda/
Expand Up @@ -105,8 +105,6 @@ let simplify_exits lam =
(* Count occurrences of (exit n ...) statements *)
let exits = Hashtbl.create 17 in

let try_depth = ref 0 in

let get_exit i =
try Hashtbl.find exits i
with Not_found -> {count = 0; max_depth = 0}
Expand All @@ -121,70 +119,82 @@ let simplify_exits lam =
Hashtbl.add exits i r

let rec count = function
| (Lvar _ | Lmutvar _ | Lconst _) -> ()
| Lapply ap -> count ap.ap_func; List.iter count ap.ap_args
| Lfunction {body} -> count body
let rec count ~try_depth = function
| (Lvar _| Lmutvar _ | Lconst _) -> ()
| Lapply ap ->
count ~try_depth ap.ap_func;
List.iter (count ~try_depth) ap.ap_args
| Lfunction {body} -> count ~try_depth body
| Llet(_, _kind, _v, l1, l2)
| Lmutlet(_kind, _v, l1, l2) ->
count l2; count l1
count ~try_depth l2; count ~try_depth l1
| Lletrec(bindings, body) ->
List.iter (fun (_v, l) -> count l) bindings;
count body
| Lprim(_p, ll, _) -> List.iter count ll
List.iter (fun (_v, l) -> count ~try_depth l) bindings;
count ~try_depth body
| Lprim(_p, ll, _) -> List.iter (count ~try_depth) ll
| Lswitch(l, sw, _loc) ->
count_default sw ;
count l;
List.iter (fun (_, l) -> count l) sw.sw_consts;
List.iter (fun (_, l) -> count l) sw.sw_blocks
count_default ~try_depth sw ;
count ~try_depth l;
List.iter (fun (_, l) -> count ~try_depth l) sw.sw_consts;
List.iter (fun (_, l) -> count ~try_depth l) sw.sw_blocks
| Lstringswitch(l, sw, d, _) ->
count l;
List.iter (fun (_, l) -> count l) sw;
count ~try_depth l;
List.iter (fun (_, l) -> count ~try_depth l) sw;
begin match d with
| None -> ()
| Some d -> match sw with
| []|[_] -> count d
| _ -> count d; count d (* default will get replicated *)
| []|[_] -> count ~try_depth d
| _ -> (* default will get replicated *)
count ~try_depth d; count ~try_depth d
| Lstaticraise (i,ls) -> incr_exit i 1 !try_depth; List.iter count ls
| Lstaticraise (i,ls) ->
incr_exit i 1 try_depth;
List.iter (count ~try_depth) ls
| Lstaticcatch (l1,(i,[]),Lstaticraise (j,[])) ->
(* i will be replaced by j in l1, so each occurrence of i in l1
increases j's ref count *)
count l1 ;
count ~try_depth l1 ;
let ic = get_exit i in
incr_exit j ic.count (max !try_depth ic.max_depth)
incr_exit j ic.count (max try_depth ic.max_depth)
| Lstaticcatch(l1, (i,_), l2) ->
count l1;
count ~try_depth l1;
(* If l1 does not contain (exit i),
l2 will be removed, so don't count its exits *)
if (get_exit i).count > 0 then
count l2
| Ltrywith(l1, _v, l2) -> incr try_depth; count l1; decr try_depth; count l2
| Lifthenelse(l1, l2, l3) -> count l1; count l2; count l3
| Lsequence(l1, l2) -> count l1; count l2
| Lwhile(l1, l2) -> count l1; count l2
| Lfor(_, l1, l2, _dir, l3) -> count l1; count l2; count l3
| Lassign(_v, l) -> count l
| Lsend(_k, m, o, ll, _) -> List.iter count (m::o::ll)
| Levent(l, _) -> count l
| Lifused(_v, l) -> count l

and count_default sw = match sw.sw_failaction with
count ~try_depth l2
| Ltrywith(l1, _v, l2) ->
count ~try_depth:(try_depth+1) l1;
count ~try_depth l2;
| Lifthenelse(l1, l2, l3) ->
count ~try_depth l1;
count ~try_depth l2;
count ~try_depth l3
| Lsequence(l1, l2) -> count ~try_depth l1; count ~try_depth l2
| Lwhile(l1, l2) -> count ~try_depth l1; count ~try_depth l2
| Lfor(_, l1, l2, _dir, l3) ->
count ~try_depth l1;
count ~try_depth l2;
count ~try_depth l3
| Lassign(_v, l) -> count ~try_depth l
| Lsend(_k, m, o, ll, _) -> List.iter (count ~try_depth) (m::o::ll)
| Levent(l, _) -> count ~try_depth l
| Lifused(_v, l) -> count ~try_depth l

and count_default ~try_depth sw = match sw.sw_failaction with
| None -> ()
| Some al ->
let nconsts = List.length sw.sw_consts
and nblocks = List.length sw.sw_blocks in
nconsts < sw.sw_numconsts && nblocks < sw.sw_numblocks
then begin (* default action will occur twice in native code *)
count al ; count al
count ~try_depth al ; count ~try_depth al
end else begin (* default action will occur once *)
assert (nconsts < sw.sw_numconsts || nblocks < sw.sw_numblocks) ;
count al
count ~try_depth al
count lam;
assert(!try_depth = 0);
count ~try_depth:0 lam;

Second pass simplify ``catch body with (i ...) handler''
Expand All @@ -204,20 +214,22 @@ let simplify_exits lam =

let subst = Hashtbl.create 17 in

let rec simplif = function
| (Lvar _ | Lmutvar _ | Lconst _) as l -> l
let rec simplif ~try_depth = function
| (Lvar _| Lmutvar _ | Lconst _) as l -> l
| Lapply ap ->
Lapply{ap with ap_func = simplif ap.ap_func;
ap_args = simplif ap.ap_args}
Lapply{ap with ap_func = simplif ~try_depth ap.ap_func;
ap_args = (simplif ~try_depth) ap.ap_args}
| Lfunction{kind; params; return; body = l; attr; loc} ->
Lfunction{kind; params; return; body = simplif l; attr; loc}
| Llet(str, kind, v, l1, l2) -> Llet(str, kind, v, simplif l1, simplif l2)
| Lmutlet(kind, v, l1, l2) -> Lmutlet(kind, v, simplif l1, simplif l2)
Lfunction{kind; params; return; body = simplif ~try_depth l; attr; loc}
| Llet(str, kind, v, l1, l2) ->
Llet(str, kind, v, simplif ~try_depth l1, simplif ~try_depth l2)
| Lmutlet(kind, v, l1, l2) ->
Lmutlet(kind, v, simplif ~try_depth l1, simplif ~try_depth l2)
| Lletrec(bindings, body) ->
Lletrec( (fun (v, l) -> (v, simplif l)) bindings, simplif body)
Lletrec( (fun (v, l) -> (v, simplif ~try_depth l)) bindings,
simplif ~try_depth body)
| Lprim(p, ll, loc) -> begin
let ll = simplif ll in
let ll = (simplif ~try_depth) ll in
match p, ll with
(* Simplify %revapply, for n-ary functions with n > 1 *)
| Prevapply, [x; Lapply ap]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,19 +273,21 @@ let simplify_exits lam =
| _ -> Lprim(p, ll, loc)
| Lswitch(l, sw, loc) ->
let new_l = simplif l
and new_consts = (fun (n, e) -> (n, simplif e)) sw.sw_consts
and new_blocks = (fun (n, e) -> (n, simplif e)) sw.sw_blocks
and new_fail = simplif sw.sw_failaction in
let new_l = simplif ~try_depth l
and new_consts = (fun (n, e) -> (n, simplif ~try_depth e)) sw.sw_consts
and new_blocks = (fun (n, e) -> (n, simplif ~try_depth e)) sw.sw_blocks
and new_fail = (simplif ~try_depth) sw.sw_failaction in
{sw with sw_consts = new_consts ; sw_blocks = new_blocks;
sw_failaction = new_fail},
| Lstringswitch(l,sw,d,loc) ->
(simplif l, (fun (s,l) -> s,simplif l) sw, simplif d,loc)
(simplif ~try_depth l, (fun (s,l) -> s,simplif ~try_depth l) sw, (simplif ~try_depth) d,loc)
| Lstaticraise (i,[]) as l ->
begin try
let _,handler = Hashtbl.find subst i in
Expand All @@ -282,7 +296,7 @@ let simplify_exits lam =
| Not_found -> l
| Lstaticraise (i,ls) ->
let ls = simplif ls in
let ls = (simplif ~try_depth) ls in
begin try
let xs,handler = Hashtbl.find subst i in
let ys = (fun (x, k) -> Ident.rename x, k) xs in
Expand All @@ -304,38 +318,40 @@ let simplify_exits lam =
| Not_found -> Lstaticraise (i,ls)
| Lstaticcatch (l1,(i,[]),(Lstaticraise (_j,[]) as l2)) ->
Hashtbl.add subst i ([],simplif l2) ;
simplif l1
Hashtbl.add subst i ([],simplif ~try_depth l2) ;
simplif ~try_depth l1
| Lstaticcatch (l1,(i,xs),l2) ->
let {count; max_depth} = get_exit i in
if count = 0 then
(* Discard staticcatch: not matching exit *)
simplif l1
else if count = 1 && max_depth <= !try_depth then begin
simplif ~try_depth l1
else if
count = 1 && max_depth <= try_depth then begin
(* Inline handler if there is a single occurrence and it is not
nested within an inner try..with *)
assert(max_depth = !try_depth);
Hashtbl.add subst i (xs,simplif l2);
simplif l1
assert(max_depth = try_depth);
Hashtbl.add subst i (xs,simplif ~try_depth l2);
simplif ~try_depth l1
end else
Lstaticcatch (simplif l1, (i,xs), simplif l2)
Lstaticcatch (simplif ~try_depth l1, (i,xs), simplif ~try_depth l2)
| Ltrywith(l1, v, l2) ->
incr try_depth;
let l1 = simplif l1 in
decr try_depth;
Ltrywith(l1, v, simplif l2)
| Lifthenelse(l1, l2, l3) -> Lifthenelse(simplif l1, simplif l2, simplif l3)
| Lsequence(l1, l2) -> Lsequence(simplif l1, simplif l2)
| Lwhile(l1, l2) -> Lwhile(simplif l1, simplif l2)
let l1 = simplif ~try_depth:(try_depth + 1) l1 in
Ltrywith(l1, v, simplif ~try_depth l2)
| Lifthenelse(l1, l2, l3) -> Lifthenelse(simplif ~try_depth l1,
simplif ~try_depth l2, simplif ~try_depth l3)
| Lsequence(l1, l2) -> Lsequence(simplif ~try_depth l1, simplif ~try_depth l2)
| Lwhile(l1, l2) -> Lwhile(simplif ~try_depth l1, simplif ~try_depth l2)
| Lfor(v, l1, l2, dir, l3) ->
Lfor(v, simplif l1, simplif l2, dir, simplif l3)
| Lassign(v, l) -> Lassign(v, simplif l)
Lfor(v, simplif ~try_depth l1, simplif ~try_depth l2, dir,
simplif ~try_depth l3)
| Lassign(v, l) -> Lassign(v, simplif ~try_depth l)
| Lsend(k, m, o, ll, loc) ->
Lsend(k, simplif m, simplif o, simplif ll, loc)
| Levent(l, ev) -> Levent(simplif l, ev)
| Lifused(v, l) -> Lifused (v,simplif l)
Lsend(k, simplif ~try_depth m, simplif ~try_depth o, (simplif ~try_depth) ll, loc)
| Levent(l, ev) -> Levent(simplif ~try_depth l, ev)
| Lifused(v, l) -> Lifused (v,simplif ~try_depth l)
simplif lam
simplif ~try_depth:0 lam

(* Compile-time beta-reduction of functions immediately applied:
Lapply(Lfunction(Curried, params, body), args, loc) ->
Expand Down

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