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Fix type variable naming in native toplevel
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This was written by @lpw25 . It makes the native toplevel preserve type variable
names in the same way as the bytecode toplevel.

This patch was originally submitted to flambda-backend

Signed-off-by: Nathan Rebours <>
  • Loading branch information
NathanReb committed Oct 18, 2021
1 parent f442361 commit 8186dfb
Showing 1 changed file with 53 additions and 15 deletions.
68 changes: 53 additions & 15 deletions toplevel/native/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -191,6 +191,44 @@ let pr_item =

(* Execute a toplevel phrase *)

let name_expression ~loc ~attrs exp =
let name = "_$" in
let id = Ident.create_local name in
let vd =
{ val_type = exp.exp_type;
val_kind = Val_reg;
val_loc = loc;
val_attributes = attrs;
val_uid = Uid.internal_not_actually_unique; }
let sg = [Sig_value(id, vd, Exported)] in
let pat =
{ pat_desc = Tpat_var(id, mknoloc name);
pat_loc = loc;
pat_extra = [];
pat_type = exp.exp_type;
pat_env = exp.exp_env;
pat_attributes = []; }
let vb =
{ vb_pat = pat;
vb_expr = exp;
vb_attributes = attrs;
vb_loc = loc; }
let item =
{ str_desc = Tstr_value(Nonrecursive, [vb]);
str_loc = loc;
str_env = exp.exp_env; }
let final_env = Env.add_value id vd exp.exp_env in
let str =
{ str_items = [item];
str_type = sg;
str_final_env = final_env }
str, sg

let execute_phrase print_outcome ppf phr =
match phr with
| Ptop_def sstr ->
Expand All @@ -199,26 +237,26 @@ let execute_phrase print_outcome ppf phr =
phrase_name := Printf.sprintf "TOP%i" !phrase_seqid;
Compilenv.reset ?packname:None !phrase_name;
Typecore.reset_delayed_checks ();
let sstr, rewritten =
match sstr with
| [ { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (e, attrs) ; pstr_loc = loc } ]
| [ { pstr_desc = Pstr_value (Asttypes.Nonrecursive,
[{ pvb_expr = e
; pvb_pat = { ppat_desc = Ppat_any ; _ }
; pvb_attributes = attrs
; _ }])
; pstr_loc = loc }
] ->
let pat = Ast_helper.Pat.var (Location.mknoloc "_$") in
let vb = ~loc ~attrs pat e in
[ Ast_helper.Str.value ~loc Asttypes.Nonrecursive [vb] ], true
| _ -> sstr, false
let (str, sg, names, newenv) = Typemod.type_toplevel_phrase oldenv sstr in
if !Clflags.dump_typedtree then Printtyped.implementation ppf str;
let sg' = Typemod.Signature_names.simplify newenv names sg in
ignore (Includemod.signatures oldenv ~mark:Mark_positive sg sg');
Typecore.force_delayed_checks ();
let str, sg', rewritten =
match str.str_items with
| [ { str_desc = Tstr_eval (e, attrs) ; str_loc = loc } ]
| [ { str_desc = Tstr_value (Asttypes.Nonrecursive,
[{ vb_expr = e
; vb_pat =
{ pat_desc = Tpat_any;
pat_extra = []; _ }
; vb_attributes = attrs }])
; str_loc = loc }
] ->
let str, sg' = name_expression ~loc ~attrs e in
str, sg', true
| _ -> str, sg', false
let module_ident, res, required_globals, size =
if Config.flambda then
let { Lambda.module_ident; main_module_block_size = size;
Expand Down

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