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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 12, 2022. It is now read-only.

No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

area: ci
area: ci
area: cli
area: cli
area: controller
area: controller
area: dns-service
area: dns-service
task/issue related to our DNS service, but also DNS service client in CLI
area: docs
area: docs
area: installer
area: installer
area: system-monitoring
area: system-monitoring
task/issue related to system monitoring including alerts and dashboards
area: test suites
area: test suites
test-remote, test-browser, looker, etc
area: ui/app stack
area: ui/app stack
area: uninstaller
area: uninstaller
state (used by codetree)
Pull requests that update a dependency file
help needed
help needed
in progress
in progress
state (used by codetree)
Pull requests that update Javascript code
priority: 0
priority: 0
a problem or task with high urgency level
state: invalid
state: invalid
state: wontdo
state: wontdo
thinktank: feedback
thinktank: feedback
external feedback, up for discussion
thinktank: proposal
thinktank: proposal
a proposal, up for discussion
thinktank: question
thinktank: question
a specific question (from inside or outside)
type: bug
type: bug
user-facing problem (describe the problem in the title!)
type: bump
type: bump
a task tracking a component or package bump (often just for maintenance)
type: ci-instability
type: ci-instability
may or may not be a user-facing problem, too
type: code cleanup
type: code cleanup
for tasks like: improve sanity, improve naming, reduce debt (not user-facing)
type: devprod
type: devprod
a problem or task related to developer productivity (build time, etc)
type: devX / tooling
type: devX / tooling
an issue or task related to developer experience: linting, workflows, makefile
type: feature
type: feature
a user-facing feature
type: interface cleanup
type: interface cleanup
related to interface consolidation (HTTP status codes, name length constraints, URLs, ...)