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This repo includes everything you need to know about deploying GPU nodes on OCI

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Running RDMA (remote direct memory access) GPU workloads on OKE using GPU Operator and Network Operator

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) is a fully-managed, scalable, and highly available service that you can use to deploy your containerized applications to the cloud.

Please visit the OKE documentation page for more information.

This guide has the instructions for deploying an OKE cluster using H100 & A100 bare metal nodes with RDMA connectivity using the GPU Operator and Network Operator.


Currently, creating SR-IOV Virtual Functions is supported in limited regions. For H100, all regions with H100s are supported. For A100s, Phoenix (PHX) and Osaka (KIX) regions are supported. For other regions, please contact your sales representative.

What is NVIDIA GPU Operator?

Kubernetes provides access to special hardware resources such as NVIDIA GPUs, NICs, Infiniband adapters and other devices through the device plugin framework. However, configuring and managing nodes with these hardware resources requires configuration of multiple software components such as drivers, container runtimes or other libraries which are difficult and prone to errors. The NVIDIA GPU Operator uses the operator framework within Kubernetes to automate the management of all NVIDIA software components needed to provision GPU. These components include the NVIDIA drivers (to enable CUDA), Kubernetes device plugin for GPUs, the NVIDIA Container Runtime, automatic node labelling, DCGM based monitoring and others.

What is NVIDIA Network Operator?

NVIDIA Network Operator leverages Kubernetes CRDs and Operator SDK to manage Networking related Components in order to enable Fast networking, RDMA and GPUDirect for workloads in a Kubernetes cluster.

The Goal of Network Operator is to manage all networking related components to enable execution of RDMA and GPUDirect RDMA workloads in a kubernetes cluster.

Supported Operating Systems

For the A100 and H100 shapes (BM.GPU.H100.8, BM.GPU.A100-v2.8, BM.GPU4.8), Oracle Linux 8 with the Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK) is supported.

Required policies

The Terraform deployment template uses the Self Managed Nodes functionality of OKE.

You must create the necessary OKE policies:

Instructions for deploying an OKE cluster with GPUs and RDMA connectivity

You will need a CPU and a GPU pool. The Terraform template deploys an operational/system worker pool (CPU) and a GPU worker pool.

The GPU pool requires you to use an image provided by the Oracle HPC team, you can find the import link below. This image included the OFED drivers and necessary packages configured for RDMA.

For the non-GPU worker pools, you can use the default OKE images (no need to specify them in the Terraform template).


The GPU image has the GPU drivers pre-installed (GPU driver version 535.154.05 with CUDA 12.2). Deploying the GPU driver as a container with the GPU Operator is currently not supported.

Image to import and use for the H100 and A100 nodes


Deploy the cluster using the Terraform template

You can find the template in the terraform directory.

Make sure to update the variables in the worker pools blocks.

You can find more information on setting up Terraform for OCI here.

The template will deploy a bastion instance and an operator instance. The operator instance will have access to the OKE cluster. You can connect to the operator instance via SSH with ssh -J opc@<bastion IP> opc@<operator IP>.

Wait until you see all nodes in the cluster

kubectl get nodes

NAME           STATUS     ROLES    AGE     VERSION    Ready      <none>   2d23h   v1.25.6   Ready      node     2d3h    v1.25.6    Ready      node     2d3h    v1.25.6     Ready      <none>   2d23h   v1.25.6     Ready      node     2d23h   v1.25.6

Get the latest Helm 3 version

curl -fsSL -o
chmod 700

Add Helm repos for Network Operator and GPU Operator

helm repo add nvidia
helm repo update

Deploy GPU Operator

helm install --wait \
  -n gpu-operator --create-namespace \
  gpu-operator nvidia/gpu-operator \
  --version v23.9.1 \
  --set driver.enabled=false \
  --set operator.defaultRuntime=crio \
  --set toolkit.version=v1.14.5-ubi8 \
  --set driver.rdma.enabled=true \
  --set driver.rdma.useHostMofed=true

Wait until all network operator pods are running with kubectl get pods -n gpu-operator.

Deploy Network Operator


The device name you will use when deploying the Network Operator is different between A100 and H100 shapes. Please make sure that you are running the correct command based on your shape.

A100 shapes (BM.GPU.A100-v2.8, BM.GPU4.8)

helm install --wait \
  -n network-operator --create-namespace \
  network-operator nvidia/network-operator \
  --version v23.10.0 \
  --set deployCR=true \
  --set nfd.enabled=false \
  --set rdmaSharedDevicePlugin.deploy=false \
  --set nvPeerDriver.deploy=true \
  --set sriovDevicePlugin.deploy=true \
  --set secondaryNetwork.ipamPlugin.deploy=false \
  --set nvIpam.deploy=true \
  --set-json sriovDevicePlugin.resources='[{"name": "sriov_rdma_vf", "drivers": ["mlx5_core"], "devices": ["101a"], "isRdma": [true]}]'

H100 shapes (BM.GPU.H100.8)

helm install --wait \
  -n network-operator --create-namespace \
  network-operator nvidia/network-operator \
  --version v23.10.0 \
  --set deployCR=true \
  --set nfd.enabled=false \
  --set rdmaSharedDevicePlugin.deploy=false \
  --set nvPeerDriver.deploy=true \
  --set sriovDevicePlugin.deploy=true \
  --set secondaryNetwork.ipamPlugin.deploy=false \
  --set nvIpam.deploy=true \
  --set-json sriovDevicePlugin.resources='[{"name": "sriov_rdma_vf", "drivers": ["mlx5_core"], "devices": ["101e"], "isRdma": [true]}]'


[kubectl apply -f [](](


kubectl apply -f

Wait until all network operator pods are running with kubectl get pods -n network-operator.

Deploy the Virtual Function Configuration daemonset

kubectl apply -f

Create Network Attachment Definition

kubectl apply -f

Create the IP Pool for Nvidia IPAM

kubectl apply -f

Create the topology ConfigMap

This step creates a ConfigMap that can be used as the NCCL topology file when running your jobs that use NCCL as the backend.

You can find the topology files in the topology directory in this repo. Please make sure you use the correct topology file based on your shape when creating the ConfigMap.

SHAPE=<your GPU shape>

curl -s -o ./topo.xml$SHAPE.xml

kubectl create configmap nccl-topology --from-file ./topo.xml

Confirm that the GPUs are Virtual Functions (VFs) are correctly exposed

Once the Network Operator pods are deployed, the GPU nodes with RDMA NICs will start reporting as an available resource. You can request that resource in your pod manifests for assigning RDMA VFs to pods.

By default, we create one Virtual Function per Physical Function. So for the H100 and A100 bare metal shapes, you will see 16 VFs per node exposed as a resource.

kubectl get nodes -l ' in (BM.GPU.H100.8, BM.GPU.A100-v2.8, BM.GPU4.8, BM.GPU.B4.8)' --sort-by=.status.capacity."nvidia\.com/gpu" -o=custom-columns=',GPUs:status.capacity.nvidia\.com/gpu,RDMA-VFs:status.capacity.nvidia\.com/sriov_rdma_vf'

NODE            GPUs   RDMA-VFs   8      16   8      16   8      16

Requesting VFs in manifests

Network Operator exposes the RDMA Virtual Functions (VFs) as allocatable resources. To use them, you need to add the following annotation to your manifests. The next step in this guide has an example for running the NCCL test, you can use that manifest as an example.


Optional - Deploy Volcano and run the NCCL test

Volcano is needed for running the optional NCCL test. It's not required for the regular operation of the cluster, you can remove it after you finish running the NCCL test.

Deploy Volcano

helm repo add volcano-sh
helm install volcano volcano-sh/volcano -n volcano-system --create-namespace

kubectl create serviceaccount -n default mpi-worker-view
kubectl create rolebinding default-view --namespace default --serviceaccount default:mpi-worker-view --clusterrole view

Run the NCCL test


The NCCL parameters are different between the H100 and A100 shapes. Please make sure that you are using the correct manifest.

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

The initial pull of the container will take long. Once the master pod nccl-allreduce-job0-mpimaster-0 starts running, you can check it logs for the NCCL test result.

Defaulted container "mpimaster" out of: mpimaster, wait-for-workers (init)
Warning: Permanently added 'nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-0.nccl-allreduce-job0' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Warning: Permanently added 'nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-1.nccl-allreduce-job0' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 8 maxBytes 8589934592 step: 2(factor) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 agg iters: 1 validation: 1 graph: 0
# Using devices
#  Rank  0 Group  0 Pid     43 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-0 device  0 [0x0f] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank  1 Group  0 Pid     44 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-0 device  1 [0x15] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank  2 Group  0 Pid     45 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-0 device  2 [0x51] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank  3 Group  0 Pid     46 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-0 device  3 [0x54] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank  4 Group  0 Pid     47 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-0 device  4 [0x8d] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank  5 Group  0 Pid     48 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-0 device  5 [0x92] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank  6 Group  0 Pid     49 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-0 device  6 [0xd6] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank  7 Group  0 Pid     50 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-0 device  7 [0xda] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank  8 Group  0 Pid     43 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-1 device  0 [0x0f] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank  9 Group  0 Pid     44 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-1 device  1 [0x15] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank 10 Group  0 Pid     45 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-1 device  2 [0x51] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank 11 Group  0 Pid     46 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-1 device  3 [0x54] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank 12 Group  0 Pid     47 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-1 device  4 [0x8d] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank 13 Group  0 Pid     48 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-1 device  5 [0x92] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank 14 Group  0 Pid     49 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-1 device  6 [0xd6] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#  Rank 15 Group  0 Pid     50 on nccl-allreduce-job0-mpiworker-1 device  7 [0xda] NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
#                                                              out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop    root     time   algbw   busbw #wrong     time   algbw   busbw #wrong
#        (B)    (elements)                               (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
           8             2     float     sum      -1    36.47    0.00    0.00      0    34.74    0.00    0.00      0
          16             4     float     sum      -1    38.86    0.00    0.00      0    35.65    0.00    0.00      0
          32             8     float     sum      -1    38.53    0.00    0.00      0    35.41    0.00    0.00      0
          64            16     float     sum      -1    39.25    0.00    0.00      0    37.05    0.00    0.00      0
         128            32     float     sum      -1    38.85    0.00    0.01      0    37.21    0.00    0.01      0
         256            64     float     sum      -1    40.68    0.01    0.01      0    38.52    0.01    0.01      0
         512           128     float     sum      -1    39.27    0.01    0.02      0    39.35    0.01    0.02      0
        1024           256     float     sum      -1    41.97    0.02    0.05      0    40.56    0.03    0.05      0
        2048           512     float     sum      -1    43.36    0.05    0.09      0    41.29    0.05    0.09      0
        4096          1024     float     sum      -1    44.54    0.09    0.17      0    43.36    0.09    0.18      0
        8192          2048     float     sum      -1    48.16    0.17    0.32      0    46.51    0.18    0.33      0
       16384          4096     float     sum      -1    49.40    0.33    0.62      0    48.00    0.34    0.64      0
       32768          8192     float     sum      -1    49.66    0.66    1.24      0    49.17    0.67    1.25      0
       65536         16384     float     sum      -1    51.69    1.27    2.38      0    50.09    1.31    2.45      0
      131072         32768     float     sum      -1    54.86    2.39    4.48      0    53.31    2.46    4.61      0
      262144         65536     float     sum      -1    67.95    3.86    7.23      0    65.81    3.98    7.47      0
      524288        131072     float     sum      -1    73.94    7.09   13.29      0    72.87    7.20   13.49      0
     1048576        262144     float     sum      -1    85.58   12.25   22.97      0    84.50   12.41   23.27      0
     2097152        524288     float     sum      -1    99.19   21.14   39.64      0    100.1   20.94   39.27      0
     4194304       1048576     float     sum      -1    127.0   33.03   61.93      0    127.8   32.81   61.52      0
     8388608       2097152     float     sum      -1    174.3   48.13   90.25      0    168.4   49.80   93.38      0
    16777216       4194304     float     sum      -1    282.7   59.35  111.29      0    265.9   63.11  118.32      0
    33554432       8388608     float     sum      -1    452.3   74.18  139.08      0    452.0   74.24  139.19      0
    67108864      16777216     float     sum      -1    821.7   81.67  153.13      0    812.7   82.57  154.83      0
   134217728      33554432     float     sum      -1   1542.0   87.04  163.20      0   1546.1   86.81  162.76      0
   268435456      67108864     float     sum      -1   3042.7   88.22  165.42      0   3065.9   87.55  164.16      0
   536870912     134217728     float     sum      -1   6436.0   83.42  156.41      0   6070.5   88.44  165.82      0
  1073741824     268435456     float     sum      -1   9187.8  116.87  219.12      0   9073.4  118.34  221.89      0
  2147483648     536870912     float     sum      -1    18289  117.42  220.16      0    17557  122.31  229.34      0
  4294967296    1073741824     float     sum      -1    34176  125.67  235.63      0    34417  124.79  233.98      0
  8589934592    2147483648     float     sum      -1    67689  126.90  237.94      0    67811  126.68  237.52      0
# Out of bounds values : 0 OK
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 66.4834


Are there any features that are not supported when using self-managed nodes?

Yes, some features and capabilities are not available, or not yet available, when using self-managed nodes. Please see this link for a list of features and capabilities that are not available for self-managed nodes.

Can I use Ubuntu as the operating system?

We are working on adding support for Ubuntu, but it is not available today.

I don't see my GPU nodes in the OKE page in the console under worker pools

This is expected. Currently, only the worker pools with the node-pool mode are listed. Self-managed nodes (cluster-network and instance-pool modes in worker pools) are created by you and joined to the OKe cluster, rather than OKE has created for you.

Can I use Multi-Instance GPU (MIG)?

Yes, you can configure GPU Operator with MIG. Please see the instructions here.

If I don't need RDMA connectivity between my H100 or A100 nodes, do I still need to follow the instructions in this repo?

No, if you don't need RDMA connectivity between your nodes, you can deploy an OKE cluster without using any self-managed nodes. The easiest way to do it is using the web console. H100 need to have flannel as a POD networking type and make use of a custom images. We are working on a better experience on H100 without RDMA.

I'm getting the "400-InvalidParameter, Shape is incompatible with image" error

Please follow the instructions here to add the capability of the shape that you are getting the error to your imported image.


This repo includes everything you need to know about deploying GPU nodes on OCI






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