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Ivanildo Barauna IvanildoBarauna
Profissional de Data Analytics com sΓ³lida experiΓͺncia em produção e consumo de dados visando a jornada end-to-end de dados enquanto produto.

Mercado Livre SΓ£o Paulo, Brasil.

Andressa Rodrigues AR097
Hi πŸ‘‹πŸΌ πŸš€ Front-end Developer.


Nathaniel Jen-uis
If you would like to collab on a new project, I am open to connect! Email:

Los Angeles, CA

Gaurav gauravcodepro

UniversitΓ€t Potsdam Germany

Amin BlackGhost1122
Hello! My name is Amin, and I’m 15 years old. I’m currently a student, but in the future, I aspire to create games. I’m passionate about exploring the world of
Matt Shin matthewrmshin
Expert Scientific Software Engineer

Met Office Exeter, UK

Jiho Lee 2jiho

Republic of Korea

CarHerJR CarlosArsGoetia
Learning #Hacking #Python #Bash #CryptoCurrency

Cordoba Argentina

Emily snoozleEmily
Learning data science πŸ€“πŸ‘

Minas Gerais, Brazil

Rakesh Nagarajan RakeshNagarajan
Looking AI from a vantage point πŸ˜€
AmirHasan Talebi Amir10t
Live with a computer


Ze-en Xiong LeverImmy
A sophomore at Tsinghua University, PRC.

Tsinghua University Wuhan, Hubei, China

Diyorbek Ibragimov diyorbekibragimov
I'm a second-year Computer Science student at Carnegie Mellon University. I'm interested in Machine Learning and Computer Systems.

Doha, Qatar

Ibrahim Yoonus Yoonus4040
Web Developer


Vishvakumar Vishvakumar

@decathlon London, UK

Alan Guerrero alangv06

Guayaquil, Ecuador