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ofmt is a formatting and linting tool

  • Formatting is done solely by prettier. It is completely automated, and not configurable in any way other than changing the .prettierrc of this repo, and republishing the package.
  • Linting is not related to formatting in any way. The goal of linting is to catch early code quality issues, and enforce usage of best practices.


Use the following command to install the package as a dev dependency:

npm install @ottofeller/ofmt --save-dev --save-exact

Then the following command is used to install prettier and eslint configs as dev dependencies:

npx ofmt install

The latter command on ofmt executable does:

  • install @ottofeller/prettier-config-ofmt package;
  • install @ottofeller/eslint-config-ofmt package;
  • add the configs to package.json (prettier and eslintConfig fields).
  • add format and lint scripts to package.json.

💡 For existing prettier and eslintConfig fields in the package.json file:

  • prettier field is overwritten;
  • eslintConfig filed is extended with eslint.quality.cjs.

💡 For existing format or lint script in the package.json file warns and leaves the script untouched.


The project utilizes the following config packages (located within the same repo):

  • @ottofeller/prettier-config-ofmt package with formatting rules;
  • @ottofeller/eslint-config-ofmt package containing:
    • eslint.quality.cjs with JS/TS-specific code quality and best practices rules
    • eslint.tailwind.cjs same as above, CSS-specific

Direct use of configs is meant only for IDE support. For CLI runs use the provided executables.


There are two bin files that perform the code checking:

  • ofmt - prettier formatter. Two options are available:\
    • -l, --lint - a flag to perform checking only. Without the flag prettier will rewrite files with fixed formatting.
    • -p, --src-path - defines search path for source code within format and lint scripts (the scripts added to a project upon installation). Defaults to ./src. Used only with install command.
    • -n, --no-local-config - ignores local eslint config files.
  • olint - code quality and best practices linter.


💡 The examples below use shorthand executable name as registered in PATH by npm - available only if the package is installed in the project or in upper scopes on the search path of npm. If the @ottofeller/ofmt is not installed append with the package name:

npx -p @ottofeller/ofmt [ofmt|olint] ...

Check TS files with prettier

npx ofmt -l './src/**/*.ts'

Fix TS files with prettier

npx ofmt './src/**/*.ts'

Install prettier and eslint configs to your project

npx ofmt install .
npx ofmt install . -p "client server"

NOTE: if run as npm-script the path will be inferred:

"scripts": {
  "ofmt:install": "ofmt install",
npm run ofmt:install

Check TS files with eslint

npx olint './src/**/*.ts'