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Game Maker Engine


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Developer Support Hangouts


Razer Hangout July 15th (1:00:00)
Razer Hangout July 15th,


  • GameMaker-OuyaSDK-Extension - Enable OUYA Everywhere Input and In-App-Purchases in GameMaker Studio.

  • The GameMaker Extension is compatible with the last (pre-gradle release) GMS 1.4.1657 which can be downloaded from the release notes page.

  • You may need to downgrade to this version if the auto-upgrader patched to a newer version.


  • In your project's Global Game Settings, on the Android tab enter your Package name matching the developer portal and check Enable OUYA packaging.

Global settings

  • Import the OuyaSDK Extension and be sure to download your signing key from the developer portal and place into the extensions/OuyaSDK/key.der project subfolder.

Global settings

  • Select the Android target and use the File menu and select the Create Application menu item to build and deploy to the connected ADB device.

Global settings


Video Tutorials

GameMaker Studio Tutorials -

OUYA Extension

The Ouya-GameMaker-Extension is available in the releases section. GameMaker extension methods only use String and double for parameters and return types.

Signing key

The signing key from the developer portal should be placed in the extensions/OuyaSDK/key.der project subfolder.


Store Icon

  • Edit the game icons in the Global Game Settings. In the Project View, right-click on Global Game Settings and choose Properties.


  • On the settings Android tab be sure to Enable the option for Enable OUYA packaging to be able to set the store icon in the GUI. And click OK to accept the changes.


Leanback Icon

  • To enable the leanback icon, use the menu item Help->Open GameMaker in Explorer to manually edit the icon setting in the manifest.


  • Navigate to the GameMaker-Studio\Android\runner\AndroidManifest.xml folder and open in a text editor. And the android:logo="@drawable/banner" to the application element and save the changes.
<application android:name="${YYAndroidPackageName}.RunnerApplication"

Enable support for the leanback icon by setting the min platform to API 16: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and the target platform to API 21: Android 5.0 (Lollipop).

        android:targetSdkVersion="21" />
  • Place the game leanback icon in the extensions\OuyaSDK\AndroidSource\res\drawable\banner.png project location. The folder will need to be created if it does not exist within the project. The leanback icon should be 320x180.

OUYA Everywhere

The OuyaSDK extension uses OUYA-Everywhere Input which gets the input remapping for supported and future devices.

GameMaker automatically adds an extension entry in AndroidManifest.xml when the OuyaSDK extension is added. Without the entry, the extension methods will not be invoked.

        <!-- The number of GMS Android Extensions in use -->
        <meta-data android:name="YYNumExtensionClasses" android:value="3"/>
        <!-- Registers the GMS Extension so that the Android source events can be invoked -->
        <meta-data android:name="YYExtensionClass2" android:value="OuyaSDK"/>


OuyaSDK_IsInitialized returns true if the OuyaSDK extension has been initialized.


Axis input can be obtained through OuyaSDK_GetAxis.

The playerNumber values "0", "1", "2", and "3" are expected for the first String parameter.

The axis values from below are expected for the second String parameter.

AXIS_LS_X = "0";
AXIS_LS_Y = "1";
AXIS_RS_X = "11";
AXIS_RS_Y = "14";
AXIS_L2 = "17";
AXIS_R2 = "18";

All the axis values for Controller #1 (0) can be obtained with the following code.

var lsX = OuyaSDK_GetAxis("0", AXIS_LS_X);
var lsY = OuyaSDK_GetAxis("0", AXIS_LS_Y);
var rsX = OuyaSDK_GetAxis("0", AXIS_RS_X);
var rsY = OuyaSDK_GetAxis("0", AXIS_RS_Y);
var l2 = OuyaSDK_GetAxis("0", AXIS_L2);
var r2 = OuyaSDK_GetAxis("0", AXIS_R2);


Button input can be obtained through OuyaSDK_GetButton.

The playerNumber values "0", "1", "2", and "3" are expected for the first String parameter.

The button values from below are expected for the second String parameter.

BUTTON_O = "96";
BUTTON_U = "99";
BUTTON_Y = "100";
BUTTON_A = "97";
BUTTON_L1 = "102";
BUTTON_R1 = "103";
BUTTON_L3 = "106";
BUTTON_R3 = "107";

All the button values for Controller #1 (0) can be obtained with the following code.

if (OuyaSDK_GetButton("0", BUTTON_O)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetButton("0", BUTTON_U)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetButton("0", BUTTON_Y)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetButton("0", BUTTON_A)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetButton("0", BUTTON_L1)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetButton("0", BUTTON_R1)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetButton("0", BUTTON_L3)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetButton("0", BUTTON_R3)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetButton("0", BUTTON_DPAD_UP)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetButton("0", BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetButton("0", BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetButton("0", BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT)) {

OuyaSDK_GetButtonDown and OuyaSDK_GetButtonUp

Detecting the Menu button should use OuyaSDK_GetButtonDown or OuyaSDK_GetButtonUp.

if (OuyaSDK_GetButtonDown("0", BUTTON_MENU)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetButtonUp("0", BUTTON_MENU)) {

The playerNumber values "0", "1", "2", and "3" are expected for the first String parameter.

The button values from above are expected for the second String parameter.

OuyaSDK_GetButtonDown returns true when the button detected a pressed event.

OuyaSDK_GetButtonUp returns true when the button detected a released event.

OuyaSDK_ClearButtonStatesPressedReleased should be called at the end of the Update event each frame to clear the detected pressed and released states.


OuyaSDK_GetAnyButton returns true if any controller is in the pressed state for the button String parameter.

if (OuyaSDK_GetAnyButton(BUTTON_O)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetAnyButton(BUTTON_U)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetAnyButton(BUTTON_Y)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetAnyButton(BUTTON_A)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetAnyButton(BUTTON_L1)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetAnyButton(BUTTON_R1)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetAnyButton(BUTTON_L3)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetAnyButton(BUTTON_R3)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetAnyButton(BUTTON_DPAD_UP)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetAnyButton(BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetAnyButton(BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT)) {

if (OuyaSDK_GetAnyButton(BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT)) {


OuyaSDK_GetAnyButtonDown returns true if any controller had a pressed state event in the last update frame for the button String parameter.


OuyaSDK_GetAnyButtonUp returns true if any controller had a released state event in the last update frame for the button String parameter.


OuyaSDK_IsConnected returns true if the playerNum first String parameter is connected.


OuyaSDK_IsAnyConnected returns true if any controller is connected.

Async calls

OuyaSDK_GetAsyncMethod is used to get the async completion result from async methods called in the OuyaSDK extension. Async completion results sit on a stack and OuyaSDK_GetAsyncMethod gets the method name from the current completed result.

asyncMethod = OuyaSDK_GetAsyncMethod();
if (asyncMethod != undefined &&
    asyncMethod != "") {
    text_message = "Status: Method="+asyncMethod;

OuyaSDK_GetAsyncResult will return a JSON string about the method and data corresponding to the async completion result.

asyncResult = OuyaSDK_GetAsyncResult();
if (asyncResult != undefined &&
    asyncResult != "") {
    text_message = "Status: Method="+asyncMethod+" json="+asyncResult;

When all the details are extracted from the completion result, invoking OuyaSDK_PopAsyncResult will move on to the next completion item.


There are various helper methods for accessing the JSON data for the async completion result. All async completion results have a string method and a data object.

  • OuyaSDK_GetAsyncMethod - Returns the string name of the async completion method

  • OuyaSDK_GetAsyncDataString - Returns the string value for the completion data given the string field.

if (asyncMethod == "onFailureRequestPurchase") {
    var errorMessage = OuyaSDK_GetAsyncDataString("errorMessage");            
  • OuyaSDK_GetAsyncDataArrayCount - Returns the double count of items in the data structure
if (asyncMethod == "onSuccessRequestReceipts") {
    var count = OuyaSDK_GetAsyncDataArrayCount();
    text_message = "Status: RequestReceipts count="+string(count);
  • OuyaSDK_GetAsyncDataArrayString - Returns the string value of the given field for a given array index from the data structure
for (var index = 0; index < count; ++index)
    var identifier = OuyaSDK_GetAsyncDataArrayString(string(index), "identifier");
  • OuyaSDK_GetAsyncDataArrayDouble - Returns the double value of the given field for a given array index from the data structure
for (var index = 0; index < count; ++index)
	var localPrice = OuyaSDK_GetAsyncDataArrayDouble(string(index), "localPrice");


OuyaSDK_RequestGamerInfo is an async call that provides access to the GamerInfo which has the gamer's uuid and username.

OuyaSDK_GetAsyncMethod will return onSuccessRequestGamerInfo or onFailureRequestGamerInfo when the request has completed.


OuyaSDK_RequestProducts is an async call that provides access to the Product details. The first parameter is a string comma separated list of identifiers.

OuyaSDK_GetAsyncMethod will return onSuccessRequestProducts or onFailureRequestProducts when the request has completed.


OuyaSDK_RequestPurchase is an async call that requests purchase of a Product. The first parameter is a string which is a Product identifier.

OuyaSDK_GetAsyncMethod will return onSuccessRequestPurchase, onFailureRequestPurchase or onCancelRequestPurchase when the request has completed.


OuyaSDK_RequestReceipts is an async call that requests all the entitlement purchases on the server.

OuyaSDK_GetAsyncMethod will return onSuccessRequestReceipts, onFailureRequestReceipts or onCancelRequestReceipts when the request has completed.


Virtual Controller

The Virtual Controller example shows 4 images of the OUYA Controller which moves axises and highlights buttons when the physical controller is manipulated.

VirtualController image


The In-App-Purchase example uses the ODK to access gamer info, purchasing, and receipts.

IAP image

Xiaomi Libraries

Back to general info

Place the Xiaomi libraries in the following destinations:

  • (Within your project folder) extensions\OuyaSDK\MiGameCenterSDKService.apk

  • (Within your project folder) extensions\OuyaSDK\AndroidSource\libs\SDK_MIBOX_2.0.1.jar

Xiaomi Required Permissions

Back to general info

To edit the AndroidManifest.xml you'll need to open the folder using the Help menu and select Open GameMaker in Explorer. Navigate to GameMaker-Studio-Dev\Android\runner\AndroidManifest.xml.

IAP image

Xiaomi's SDK requires several additional permissions in AndroidManifest.xml in order to work.

<uses-permission android:name="com.xiaomi.sdk.permission.PAYMENT"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>

For the Xiaomi build, make sure that the Android android:targetSdkVersion is set to 16.

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="9" android:targetSdkVersion="16"/>

Xiaomi Initialization

Back to general info

OuyaSDK_Init supports initialization strings to make the game compatible with OUYA Everywhere devices.

  • tv.ouya.developer_id - The developer UUID can be found in the developer portal after logging in.

  • com.xiaomi.app_id - The Xiaomi App Id is provided by the content team, email to obtain your key.

  • com.xiaomi.app_key - The Xiaomi App Key is provided by the content team, email to obtain your key.

  • tv.ouya.product_id_list - The product id list is a comma separated list of product ids that can be purchased in the game.

purchasables[0] = "long_sword";
purchasables[1] = "sharp_axe";
purchasables[2] = "cool_level";
purchasables[3] = "awesome_sauce";
purchasables[4] = "__DECLINED__THIS_PURCHASE";

strPurchasables = purchasables[0];
for (index = 1; index < array_length_1d(purchasables); ++index)
    strPurchasables += ","+purchasables[index];

init_ouya_plugin_values = ds_map_create();
ds_map_add(init_ouya_plugin_values, "tv.ouya.developer_id", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000");
ds_map_add(init_ouya_plugin_values, "com.xiaomi.app_id", "0000000000000");
ds_map_add(init_ouya_plugin_values, "com.xiaomi.app_key", "000000000000000000");
ds_map_add(init_ouya_plugin_values, "tv.ouya.product_id_list", strPurchasables);

Disable Xiaomi Screensaver

Back to general info

By using the OuyaSDK Extension the Xiaomi screensaver will be disabled automatically.