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Command-line development tool for a busrpc microservice developers


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Command-line development tool for a busrpc microservice developers.


To build busrpc development tool CMake version not older than 3.14 is required.

Busrpc development tool depends on the following libraries and tools:

However, by default tool will download them and add to it's own build using CMake's FetchContent mechanism. That means, most of the time project can be configured for building with this simple instructions:

mkdir build
cd build

For more granular control over the build process the following CMake variables are provided:

  • BUSRPC_BUILD_TESTS (default ON) to enable/disable building of the project unit tests
  • BUSRPC_BUILD_DOCS (default OFF) to enable/disable documentation generation from project sources (doxygen should be installed and available on a well-known path)
  • BUSRPC_CLI11_FETCH_VERSION, BUSRPC_PROTOBUF_FETCH_VERSION, BUSRPC_NLOHMANN_JSON_FETCH_VERSION, BUSRPC_GTEST_FETCH_VERSION - for choosing which version of the dependency to fetch (should contain only digits and dots, no leading 'v' should be specified)
  • BUSRPC_USE_EXTERNAL_CLI11, BUSRPC_USE_EXTERNAL_PROTOBUF, BUSRPC_USE_EXTERNAL_NLOHMANN_JSON if you want to use externally installed dependencies instead of downloaded one
  • BUSRPC_WARNINGS and BUSRPC_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS to control warning level of the build

Also if your CMake version is 3.21 or higher, CMake preset can be used for controlling project options. Two presets are provided in the CMakePresets.json file: dev for configuring build for development and release for building release version. To build with presets, execute:

cmake --preset dev|release

Docker image

Busrpc development tool is also available in the docker hub and can be run using this instruction:

docker run pananton/busrpc:latest <COMMAND>


To list available busrpc development tool commands run busprc without arguments:

$ ./busrpc
Busrpc development tool
Usage: busrpc [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -v,--version                Display program version information and exit

  check                       Check API for conformance to the busrpc specification
  gendoc                      Generate API documentation
  help                        Show help about the command
  imports                     Output relative paths to the files directly or indirectly imported by the specified file(s)
  version                     Show version information



busrpc check [-h] [-r PROJECT_DIR] [-p PROTOBUF_ROOT]
             [--ignore-spec] [--ignore-doc] [--ignore-style] [-w]


Check busrpc project for compliance with the specification.


  • -h, --help - print help message and exit
  • -r, --root - busrpc project directory
  • -p, --protobuf-root - root directory for built-in protobuf proto files
  • --ignore-spec - ignore specification warnings
  • --ignore-doc - ignore documentation warnings
  • --ignore-style - ignore busrpc style warnings
  • -w, --warning-as-error - treat warnings as errors


Busrpc project directory is the directory which contains busrpc.proto file. If project directory parameter -r is not specified on the command line, development tool also looks for BUSRPC_PROJECT_DIR environment variable and uses it's value if variable exists. As a final attempt, development tool assumes working directory to be a project directory.

Every busrpc project imports at least google/protobuf/descriptor.proto file to define busrpc custom protobuf options (like observable and hashed), which means that development tool should be provided with information where to find this files.

If protobuf root parameter -p is not specified on the command line, development tool also looks for BUSRPC_PROTOBUF_ROOT environment variable and uses it's value if variable exists. Also on *NIX systems /usr/include and /usr/local/include are searched.


Returns 0 if all checks have been passed, non-zero otherwise.



busrpc gendoc [-h] [-r PROJECT_DIR] [-p PROTOBUF_ROOT] [-d OUTPUT_DIR]
              [--format FORMAT]


Generate busrpc project documentation.


  • -h, --help - print help message and exit
  • -r, --root - busrpc project directory
  • -p, --protobuf-root - root directory for built-in protobuf proto files
  • -d, --output-dir - directory where to write generated documentation (working directory is used by default)
  • --format - documentation format (currently only json is supported, which is also the default value)


For more information about -r and -p options see section NOTES of the check command.

Information about format of the generated JSON documentation can be found here.

If project has specification or other errors, then this command still tries to generate as much documentation as possible but reports error result (see below). In this case generated documentation may be inconsistent, but it still syntactically represents a valid JSON.


Returns 0 if documentation is generated and no protobuf/style errors encountered, non-zero otherwise.



busrpc help [-h] [COMMAND]


Prints help message about COMMAND. If COMMAND is not specified, outputs list of available commands.


  • -h, --help - print help message and exit



busrpc imports [-h] [-r PROJECT_DIR] [-p PROTOBUF_ROOT] [--only-deps]


Output relative paths to the files directly or indirectly imported by FILES.


  • -h, --help - print help message and exit
  • -r, --root - busrpc project directory
  • -p, --protobuf-root - root directory for built-in protobuf proto files
  • --only-deps - only output paths to the dependencies, do not output paths to FILES


For more information about -r and -p options see section NOTES of the check command.

This command never outputs protobuf built-in files. For example, if one of the FILES imports google.protobuf.any, it still will not be included in the command output.


Returns 0 if list of imports is calculated and command did not encounter any protobuf parsing errors, non-zero otherwise.



busrpc version [-h]


Prints busrpc development tool version information.


  • -h,--help - print help message and exit

JSON documentation schema

JSON document created by gendoc command contains all busrpc entities (classes, methods, structures, etc.) found in the project organized in the tree structure where parent entity contains entities nested in it.


This is common information for all entity types described in the following sections.

Field name Type Description
name string Entity name
dname string Entity distinguished name (uniquelly identifies entity)
dir string Directory where entity is defined (specified relatively to project directory)
docs object Entity documentation

Entity documentation object has the following view:

Field name Type Description
brief string Brief description
description array Full description
commands object Field name documentation command name, field value is array of documentation command values

Enumeration constant

Field name Type Description
value number Value of the enumeration constant


Field name Type Description
package string Protobuf package containing enumeration
file string Path to protobuf file (relative to project directory) containing enumeration definition
constants object Field name is enumeration constant name, field value is object representing constant

Structure field

Field name Type Description
number number Protobuf field number
fieldTypeName string Field typename
isOptional bool Optional field or not
isRepeated bool Repeated field or not
isObservable bool Observable field or not
isHashed bool Hashed field or not
oneofName string Name of oneof to which field belongs
defaultValue string Field default value
isMap bool Whether field has protobuf map type
keyTypeName string Exists only for map field, name of the key type
valueTypeName string Exists only for map field, name of the key type


Field name Type Description
package string Protobuf package containing structure
file string Path to protobuf file (relative to project directory) containing structure definition
isHashed bool Hashed structure or not
isEncodable bool Encodable structure or not
fields object Field name is structure field name, field value is object representing structure field
enums object Field name is nested enumeration name, field value is object representing enumeration
structs object Field name is nested structure name, field value is object representing structure


Field name Type Description
Params object Structure representing method parameters
Retval object Structure representing method return value
isStatic bool Static method or not
isOneway bool Oneway method or not
precondition string Method precondition
postcondition string Method postcondition
enums object Field name is nested enumeration name, field value is object representing enumeration
structs object Field name is nested structure name, field value is object representing structure


Field name Type Description
ObjectId object Structure representing class object identifier
isStatic bool Static class or not
methods object Field name is method name, field value is object representing method
enums object Field name is nested enumeration name, field value is object representing enumeration
structs object Field name is nested structure name, field value is object representing structure


Field name Type Description
classes object Field name is class name, field value is object representing class
enums object Field name is nested enumeration name, field value is object representing enumeration
structs object Field name is nested structure name, field value is object representing structure


Field name Type Description
namespaces object Field name is namespace name, field value is object representing namespace
enums object Field name is nested enumeration name, field value is object representing enumeration
structs object Field name is nested structure name, field value is object representing structure


Field name Type Description
Config object Structure representing service config
author string Service author
email string Service author contact email
url string URL where service sources or additional documentation can be found
implements object Field name is method dname, value is implemented method object (see below)
invokes object Field name is method dname, value is invoked method object (see below)
enums object Field name is nested enumeration name, field value is object representing enumeration
structs object Field name is nested structure name, field value is object representing structure

Implemented method object contains this fields:

Field name Type Description
dname string Method dname
docs string Documentation object describing why/how method is implemented
acceptedObjectId string Accepted object identifier
acceptedParams object Field name is accepted parameter name, value is parameter value

Invoked method object contains this fields:

Field name Type Description
dname string Method dname
docs string Documentation object describing why/how method is implemented


Field name Type Description
services object Field name is service name, field value is object representing service
enums object Field name is nested enumeration name, field value is object representing enumeration
structs object Field name is nested structure name, field value is object representing structure


Field name Type Description
Errc object Enumeration representing project exception error code
Exception object Structure representing project exception
CallMessage object Structure representing call message
ResultMessage object Structure representing result message
root string Project directory
api object Object representing API
implementation object Object representing implementation
enums object Field name is nested enumeration name, field value is object representing enumeration
structs object Field name is nested structure name, field value is object representing structure