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About the Application

This React.js Stepper Application, developed with TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, PostgreSQL, Prisma, Node.js, and Express.js, offers a seamless form-filling experience. Despite React's deprecation of Vite, its speed and features remain popular. The app includes email, phone, card validation, Prisma ORM integration, and CORS implementation.

Features and Technologies used

  1. Stepper Form: The application features a multi-step form, allowing users to input various types of information in separate sections.

  2. Validations: Includes validations for email, phone number, card number, CVV, and expiry date to ensure accurate data entry.

  3. Database Integration: Utilizes PostgreSQL database integration via Prisma for Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) to manage and persist data.

  4. Responsive Design: Employs Tailwind CSS to create a responsive and mobile-friendly interface, ensuring optimal user experience across devices.

  5. React Hooks: Leverages React hooks such as useState, useContext, and useEffect for efficient state management and side effect handling.

  6. CORS Implementation: Implements CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) for securely handling requests from different origins, enhancing security and compatibility.

  7. Render: Render is utilized for backend deployment, providing a reliable and scalable infrastructure to handle application requests efficiently.

  8. Netlify: The frontend of the project is deployed on Netlify.

🚀 Live Deployed Link:

📽️ Demo Video:


Getting Started Locally 🚀

To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd <projectdictonary>
  1. Install the required dependencies for both the frontend and backend.:
npm install
  1. Configure your environment variables, including API keys and database connections.

  2. Start the project locally (Run the frontend and backend servers):

# For the frontend
npm run dev

# For the backend
cd stepper_server
npm run dev