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Hi there welcome to my github profile 👋

Head of Product, Azure Serverless, Microsoft Dapr member, maintainer for quickstarts, steering and technical oversight committee

As a lead product manager for Azure Developer Compute at Microsoft, I am responsible for the PM team that designs the developer experiences for serverless and microservices applications in the cloud. This includes Azure Functions and also Microsoft's contributions to Dapr (a CNCF incubations project for building microservices). In my role I'm very passionate about helping developers succeed building high-scale distributed applications, and building a strong collaboration with customers so we're in tune with their needs. We're having fun learning and challenging the status quo in a breadth of technologies and languages, e.g. Linux, Windows, Python, Node, Go, Java, .NET, Serverless, containers, service meshes, and application observability. Recently I have become Dapr member, maintainer for quickstarts, and steering and oversight committee. @paulyuki99

@paulyuks's Holopin board

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on Azure Functions, Dapr (especially quickstarts and Dapr in Azure), microservices, and adding AI features to apps
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning ChatGPT, embeddings, and RAG; techniques for high scale serverless
  • 📫 How to reach me: @paulyuki99 on Twitter
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I love skiing and I play guitar


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