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Medium Manifests

What is Medium Manifests? Medium Manifests is a GitHub repo that contains all the code for the articles writtern here Every article here, will have the GitHub Branch added in the article description itself. One Might clone the repo with the branch specified in the medium articles.

Cloning the Repo

The branch names for the corresponding articles could be found here

git clone -b <branch_name>



Helm Dashboard


Multi Stage Docker Build


Kubeflow: MLOPS

Hashicorp Vault Secrets in Kubernetes with CSI Driver

Loft ( Virtual Clusters )

HashiCorp Vault PKI With Vault Injector

Analyze Terraform costs with Infracost ( The GitOps Way )

Atlantis Pull Request Automation

Kubernetes HashiCorp Vault with Cert-Manager

Cortex Metrics

Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler

Grafana Loki

Spark on EKS

Kubernetes Kubeless

Kubernetes Cert Manager

Kubernetes Chaos Mesh


Kube-Bench and Kube-Hunter

Kubernetes Network Policies

Kubernetes Auto Scaling

GitHub Self Hosted Runner

Kubernetes Rabbit MQ Operator

Kubernetes Cross Plane

Kubernetes Sealed Secrets

Kubernetes External DNS

Kubernetes Jenkins Operator

GitHub Actions

Kubernetes KIND

Kubernetes Flux CD V1

Kubernetes Kustomize

Kubernetes ArgoCD

Kubernetes HashiCorp Vault Injector


  • Kubernetes Cert Manager and Vault
  • Atlantis ( Terraform Pull Request Automation )
  • Infracost
  • HashiCorp Vault PKI With Vault Injector
  • Loft ( Virtual Clusters )
  • HashiCorp Vault CSI Provider
  • Kubeflow
  • JSPolicy
  • MultiStage Docker Build
  • Goldilocks
  • Kyverno
  • Grafana Mimir
  • Helm Dashboard
  • Stack Storm
  • Google Architecture Diagram
  • KubeArmour
  • Volcano
  • KubeCost
  • KeyCloak
  • KubeVirt
  • AWS Karpenter
  • Hierarchical Namespaces
  • Prometheus Adapter
  • Custom Scheduler in K8s
  • External Secrets and HashiCorp Vault
  • Elastic Search Hot-Warm-Cold Architecture using Elastic Operator
  • TelePort ( Go TelePort )
  • Env0
  • kURL
  • Netflix Console Me
  • Cosign Sigstore
  • Cloud Custodian
  • Keptn
  • FluxCD V2
  • Kube Resource Report
  • Forecastle
  • Capsule
  • Grafana OnCall
  • ElasticSearch Curator
  • Devtron
  • Forsetti
  • Numaflow
  • Weavework TF Controller
  • Kaniaster
  • TestKube
  • Pritunl
  • AirByte


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


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