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quadratic bezier font format designed to render in a fragment shader

status: somewhat usable but many numeric stability issues

This package comes with 3 sections: a javascript library, glsl shader code, and a command-line tool.

Use the command-line tool to generate font data from a ttf file to pass into the javascript api.

The javascript api generates textures that can be read by the shader code.


To run this example: budo ok.js -- -t glslify

var glsl = require('glslify')
var regl = require('regl')()
var QBZF = require('qbzf')

var draw = null
window.addEventListener('resize', frame)

var data = { curves: null, grid: null }
fromData(Uint8Array.from([ // hard-coded data for o and k glyphs
// or load from a file:
// fetch('djvsans').then(r => r.arrayBuffer()).then(r => fromData(new Uint8Array(r)))

function fromData(buf) {
  var qbzf = new QBZF(buf)
  data.curves = qbzf.curves
  data.curves.texture = regl.texture(data.curves)
  data.grid = qbzf.write({
    text: 'ok',
    strokeWidth: 10, // in units
  data.grid.texture = regl.texture(data.grid)
  draw = build(data.grid.n)

function frame() {
  regl.clear({ color: [0,0,0,1], depth: true })
  if (data) draw(data)

function build(n) {
  return regl({
    frag: glsl`
      precision highp float;
      #pragma glslify: QBZF = require('qbzf/h')
      #pragma glslify: create_qbzf = require('qbzf/create')
      #pragma glslify: read_curve = require('qbzf/read')

      varying vec2 vpos;
      uniform sampler2D curveTex, gridTex;
      uniform vec2 curveSize, gridUnits, gridSize, gridDim;
      uniform float gridN, strokeWidth;

      void main() {
        vec2 uv = vpos*0.5+0.5;
        QBZF qbzf = create_qbzf(
          uv, gridN, gridSize, gridUnits, gridDim,
          gridTex, curveSize
        float ldist = 1e30;
        for (int i = 0; i < ${n}; i++) {
          vec4 curve = read_curve(qbzf, gridTex, curveTex, float(i));
          if (curve.x < 0.5) break;
          qbzf.count += curve.y;
          ldist = min(ldist,length(;
        float a = 5.0; // aliasing width in font units
        float outline = 1.0-smoothstep(strokeWidth-a,strokeWidth+a,ldist);

        vec3 fill = vec3(0,0,0);
        vec3 stroke = vec3(1,1,1);
        vec3 bg = vec3(0.5,0,1);

        vec3 c = mix(
        gl_FragColor = vec4(c,1);
    vert: `
      precision highp float;
      attribute vec2 position;
      varying vec2 vpos;
      void main() {
        vpos = position;
        gl_Position = vec4(position,0,1);
    uniforms: {
      curveTex: regl.prop('curves.texture'),
      curveSize: regl.prop('curves.size'),
      gridTex: regl.prop('grid.texture'),
      gridUnits: regl.prop('grid.units'),
      gridSize: regl.prop('grid.grid'),
      gridDim: regl.prop('grid.dimension'),
      gridN: n,
      strokeWidth: regl.prop('grid.strokeWidth'),
    attributes: { position: [-4,-4,-4,+4,+4,+0] },
    elements: [0,1,2],


var QBZF = require('qbzf')
var Atlas = require('qbzf/atlas')
#pragma glslify: QBZF = require('qbzf/qbzf.h')
#pragma glslify: create_qbzf = require('qbzf/create')
#pragma glslify: read_curve = require('qbzf/read')

var qbzf = QBZF(fontSrc, opts)

Create a new qbzf instance from a Uint8Array of fontSrc (created by the qbzf command) and:

  • opts.density - default [200,200]
  • opts.epsilon - default 1e-8


Curve texture data with:

  • - Uint8Array of curve texture data
  • qbzf.curves.width - width in pixels of the curve texture
  • qbzf.curves.height - height in pixels of the curve texture
  • qbzf.curves.size - 2-element array of [width,height]


Font unit measurement from the original font file.


Return only the calculated units, grid, offset and bbox without writing to a grid texture.

var grid = qbzf.write(opts)

Create a grid texture from opts:

  • opts.text - string to stamp glyphs into output grid texture
  • opts.offset - [x,y] translation in units
  • opts.padding - padding in units as [left,bottom,right,top]
  • opts.strokeWidth - width of stroke in units. default 0
  • - Uint8Array to write data into. created if not provided.

The resulting grid object has:

  • - uint8array of grid texture data to read from
  • grid.width - width of grid texture in pixels
  • grid.height - height of grid texture in pixels
  • grid.dimension - 2-element array of [grid.width,grid.height]
  • grid.units - size of font data in font units
  • grid.grid - dimensions of logical grid
  • grid.n - number of curves stored in each cell

var atlas = Atlas(qbzf, opts)

Create an atlas to manage multiple labels at once using one texture per each n and so one draw call per n along with corresponding label geometry.

  • opts.attributes - array of strings to set additional attributes in atlas.add() which will also appear alongside other records in

var id = atlas.add(opts)

Add a text label with all the arguments to qbzf.write() plus:

  • opts.height - height of 1 em in output coordinate scale
  • opts.location - translation in output coordinate scale (default: [0,0])
  • - set the id directly. must be unique

Returns the id provided or an assigned unique id if none was provided.


Remove a label by its id.


Remove all labels.

var data =

data is an object mapping n keys to a grid g with:

  • g.curves - reference to qbzf.curves
  • g.positions - vec2 attribute for coordinates in output coordinate scale
  • g.uv - vec2 attribute for each label's coordinates (0 to 1 in x and y)
  • g.cells - element indexes for triangle geometry
  • g.offsets - float attribute for pixel offset
  • g.units - vec2 attribute for size of label in font units
  • g.size - vec2 attribute for grid dimensions in number of cells
  • - id assigned to label (float unless set to something else)

These are merged with everything set in opts.attributes.

QBZF qbzf = create(vec2 uv, float n, vec2 size, vec2 units, vec3 dim, sampler2D grid_tex, vec2 curve_size)

Create a glsl QBZF struct from the given parameters:

  • vec2 uv - texture coordinates for lookup (0 to 1 in each dimension)
  • float n - number of curves per cell
  • vec2 size - dimensions of logical grid
  • vec3 dim - dimensions of grid in pixels and pixel offset to start reading
  • sampler2D grid_tex - grid texture data
  • vec2 curve_size - dimensions of curve texture in pixels

The qbzf.count is initialized with the number of crossings for the right support for the given uv (either 0 or 1).

QBZF qbzf = create(vec2 uv, float n, vec2 size, vec2 units, vec2 dim, sampler2D grid_tex, vec2 curve_size)

Alias for create(uv, n, size, units, vec3(dim,0), grid_tex, curve_size).

This sets the offset to 0.

vec4 curve = read_curve(QBZF qbzf, sampler2D grid_tex, sampler2D curve_tex, float i)

Read curve i referenced the current cell in grid_tex with a lookup into curve_tex and calculate:

  • curve.x - index of the curve plus one. 0.0 if there is no curve for this index.
  • curve.y - number of raycast crossings
  • curve.z - distance from the current point to the curve in x component
  • curve.w - distance from the current point to the curve in y component

Sum every curve.y with qbzf.count to get the total number of crossings.

If the number of corssings is even, you're outside the polygon and if odd you're inside.


usage: qbzf (INFILE)

  -i INFILE     Read from this font file.
  -o OUTFILE    Write bezier text output to this file. Default: "-" (stdout)

  -l --list     List all codes from the input ttf font file.
  -m --meta     List unitsPerEm and glyph unicodes as ranges for each INFILE,
                which can be a ttf or qbzf font file.

  -u --unicode  Only include glyphs with these unicode values.
  -c --char     Only include glyphs with these character values.
  -x --index    Only include glyphs with these indexes.

  -h --help     Show this message.
  -v --version  Print software version (1.1.0).

  Unicode and index lists can be specified with multiple flags (-u 97 -u 98 -u 99)
  or with comma-separated lists (-u 97,98,99).

  Char lists can be specified with multiple flags or comma-separated lists.
  For a literal comma, use "-c,".

  Unicodes can be specified in hexadecimal with a leading "u": (-u u0061).


For the qbzf command:

npm install -g qbzf

For the library:

npm install qbzf




quadratic bezier font shader rendering pipeline







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