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💢 duplicate
:anger: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
Something isn't working
📝 Documentation
📝 Documentation
Missing or wrong infos on the docs
🤷‍♂️ wontfix
:man_shrugging: wontfix
This will not be worked on
🙅‍♂️ invalid
:no_good_man: invalid
This doesn't seem right
🙏 help wanted
:pray: help wanted
Extra attention is needed
❓ question
:question: question
You just want some explanation
✨ enhancement
:sparkles: enhancement
New feature or request
🔧 technical
:wrench: technical
Change on technical aspect of the project
🥇 good first issue
:1st_place_medal: good first issue
Good for newcomers