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types for atom/tool-bar (DefinitelyTyped#43727)
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* types for atom/tool-bar

* function return types + interface instead of class + ...

- full tooltip options typings
- types for ToolBarButtonView
- types for ToolBarSpacerView
- 14 px config option
- Renamed getToolbarCallback to getToolBarManager

* add my name as a maintainer

* add 14px option in config

+ prettier

* group: string
  • Loading branch information
aminya committed Apr 14, 2020
1 parent 738ab3c commit 362fec0
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Showing 4 changed files with 265 additions and 1 deletion.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion types/atom/OTHER_FILES.txt
Expand Up @@ -3,4 +3,6 @@ autocomplete-plus/index.d.ts
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions types/atom/index.d.ts
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
// Definitions by: GlenCFL <>
// smhxx <>
// lierdakil <>
// aminya <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.3

Expand Down
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions types/atom/tool-bar/config.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import "../index"

declare module "atom" {
interface ConfigValues {
/** Make tool-bar visible. - default: true */
"tool-bar.visible": boolean

/** Icon size. - default: "24px" */
| "12px"
| "14px"
| "16px"
| "18px"
| "21px"
| "24px"
| "28px"
| "32px"

/** Position of tool-bar. - default: "Top" */
"tool-bar.position": "Top" | "Right" | "Bottom" | "Left"

/** Fit the tool-bar to the window's full-width. - default: true */
"tool-bar.fullWidth": boolean

/** On MacOS, show seven first tool-bar buttons in the TouchBar. - default: true */
"tool-bar.useTouchBar": string
233 changes: 233 additions & 0 deletions types/atom/tool-bar/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
// tool-bar 1.2.x
// Definitions by: aminya <>

/// <reference path="./config.d.ts" />

import {TooltipPlacement, Disposable} from "../index";

export declare interface ButtonOptions {
/** (optional)
* icon name
* ## Example:
* ```js
* icon: 'octoface',
* ```
icon?: string;

/** (optional)
* icon set name.
* It can be chosen among these:
* - not given : if `iconset` is not given Octicons (default Atom's flavour) is chosen
* - `ion` with `ios-` and `md- `prefixes for the icon names (Ionicons)
* - `fa` and fab for brands (FontAwesome)
* - `fi` (Foundation)
* - `icomoon` (IcoMoon)
* - `devicon` (Devicon)
* - `mdi` (MaterialDesignIcons)
* ## Example:
* ```ts
* icon: 'ios-gear-a',
* iconset: 'ion'
* ```
| undefined
| "ion"
| "fa"
| "fab"
| "fi"
| "icomoon"
| "devicon"
| "mdi";

/** (optional)
* You can use `text` to:
* - add text as a button, or
* ## Example:
* ```ts
* text: 'hello',
* ```
* - use HTML for a button. Needs `html` to be set to `true`
* ## Example:
* ```ts
* text: '<b>BIG</b> button',
* html: true,
* ```
text?: string;

/** (optional)
* if set to `true`, `text` will be rendered as HTML
* ## Example:
* ```ts
* text: '<b>BIG</b> button',
* html: true,
* ```
html?: boolean;

/** (mandatory)
* The callback must be either:
* - Atom command: a string or array of strings,
* - a custom callback function,
* - or an object where the keys are key modifiers (alt, ctrl or shift) and the values are commands or custom functions
* ## Example:
* ```ts
* callback: 'application:about',
* ```
* ## Example - Callback with modifiers
* ```ts
* callback: {
* '': 'application:cmd-1', // Without modifiers is default action
* 'alt': 'application:cmd-2',
* 'ctrl': 'application:cmd-3', // With function callback
* 'shift'(data) {
* console.log(data);
* },
* 'alt+shift': 'application:cmd-5', // Multiple modifiers
* 'alt+ctrl+shift': 'application:cmd-6' // All modifiers
* },
* data: 'foo'
* ```
| string
| Array<string>
| ((data?: any) => void)
| { [modifier: string]: string }
| { [modifier: string]: (data?: any) => void };

/** `data` can be passed as the input argument of callback, If callback is of type
* - `(data: any) => void)` or
* - `{ [modifier: string]: ((data: any) => void) }`,
data?: any;

/** (optional) defaults to `50` */
priority?: number;

/** (optional)
* The tooltip option may be a string or an object that is passed to Atom's TooltipManager
| string // minimally sets title
// similar to what TooltipManager.add options accepts:
| { item?: object }
| ({
title?: string | (() => string);
html?: boolean;
keyBindingCommand?: string;
keyBindingTarget?: HTMLElement;
} & {
class?: string;
placement?: TooltipPlacement | (() => TooltipPlacement);
trigger?: "click" | "hover" | "focus" | "manual";
delay?: { show: number; hide: number };

/** (optional) Color of the button */
color?: string;

/** (optional) Color of the button's background */
background?: string;

/** Buttons can be styled with arbitrary CSS through classes.
* An example of how the class can be used is show below.
* ## Example:
* ```ts
* class: 'my-awesome-class'
* ```
* ## Example:
* ```ts
* class: ['multiple', 'classes', 'also', 'works']
* ```
class?: string | Array<string>;

export declare interface SpacerOptions {
/** (optional) defaults to `50` */
priority?: number;

declare interface ToolBarButtonView {
element: HTMLButtonElement;
subscriptions: Disposable;
priority: number;
options: ButtonOptions;
group: string;
enabled: boolean;

setEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;

setSelected(selected: boolean): void;

getSelected(): boolean;

_onMouseDown(event: MouseEvent): void;

_onClick(event: MouseEvent): void;

executeCallback(event: MouseEvent): void;

destroy(): void;

declare interface ToolBarSpacerView {
element: HTMLHRElement;
priority: number;
group: string;

destroy(): void;

export declare interface ToolBarManager {
/** Adds a button. The input to this function is a `ButtonOptions` object */
addButton(options: ButtonOptions): ToolBarButtonView;

/** Adds a spacer. Optionally, you can pass a `SpacerOptions` object */
addSpacer(options?: SpacerOptions): ToolBarSpacerView;

/** Use the method removeItems to remove the buttons added by your package. This is particular useful in your package deactivate method, but can be used at any time.
removeItems(): void;

/** The onDidDestroy method takes a function that will be called when the tool-bar package is destroyed. This is useful if your package needs to do cleanup when the tool-bar is deactivated but your package continues running.
onDidDestroy(callback: () => void): void;

* Passed as an input to `consumeToolBar(getToolBar: getToolBarManager)` function of your package.
* In your main package file, add the following methods and replace your-package-name with your package name.
* ```ts
* let toolBar: ToolBarManager
* export function consumeToolBar(getToolBar: getToolBarManager) {
* toolBar = getToolBar("packageName");
* // Add buttons and spacers here...
* }
* export function deactivate() {
* if (toolBar) {
* toolBar.removeItems();
* toolBar = null;
* }
* }
* ```
export type getToolBarManager = (packageName: string) => ToolBarManager;

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