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Batch rewrite support for psql 15 Merge statement (#2579) #3693

Batch rewrite support for psql 15 Merge statement (#2579)

Batch rewrite support for psql 15 Merge statement (#2579) #3693

Triggered via pull request May 12, 2024 13:09
Status Failure
Total duration 7m 53s


on: pull_request
Matrix Preparation
Matrix Preparation
Code style
2m 9s
Code style
3m 39s
Source distribution (JDK 17)
7m 20s
Source distribution (JDK 17)
Matrix: build-test
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5 errors and 21 warnings
Code style: pgjdbc/src/test/java/org/postgresql/test/jdbc2/
Insert 1 line: import org.junit.Assume;
Code style: task ':postgresql:autostyleJavaCheck'#L1
Execution failed for task ':postgresql:autostyleJavaCheck': See 'What went wrong' below
Code style
Execution failed for task ':postgresql:autostyleJavaCheck'. > The following files have format violations: src/test/java/org/postgresql/test/jdbc2/ @@ -5,14 +5,13 @@ package org.postgresql.test.jdbc2; -import org.junit.Assume; - import org.postgresql.PGProperty; import org.postgresql.PGStatement; import org.postgresql.core.ServerVersion; import org.postgresql.test.TestUtil; import org.junit.Assert; +import org.junit.Assume; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; You might want to adjust -PmaxCheckMessageLines=50 -PmaxFilesToList=10 -PminLinesPerFile=4 to see more violations Run './gradlew autostyleApply' to fix the violations.
Code style
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1. For more information see:
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1. For more information see:
Gradle Build Scan:
Java 8, zulu, PG 8.4, extendedCacheEverything, no_scram, no_ssl, ubuntu, server_tz UTC, client_tz America/New_York, tr_TR, no_gss, no_replication, no_slow_tests, stress JIT
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1. For more information see:
Java 17, corretto, PG 9.1, no_scram, no_ssl, same hashcode, ubuntu, server_tz Pacific/Chatham, client_tz Pacific/Chatham, de_DE, no_gss, no_replication, no_slow_tests, stress JIT
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1. For more information see:
Java 21, liberica, PG 12, extendedForPrepared, scram, no_ssl, ubuntu, server_tz Pacific/Chatham, client_tz Pacific/Chatham, fr_FR, no_gss, replication, no_slow_tests, stress JIT
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1. For more information see:
Source distribution (JDK 17)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1. For more information see:
Source distribution (JDK 17)
Gradle Build Scan:
Java 11, microsoft, PG 9.4, simple query, no_scram, no_ssl, ubuntu, server_tz UTC, client_tz UTC, de_DE, gss, no_replication, no_slow_tests
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1. For more information see:
Java 11, microsoft, PG 9.4, simple query, no_scram, no_ssl, ubuntu, server_tz UTC, client_tz UTC, de_DE, gss, no_replication, no_slow_tests
~/.gradle-cache-action/dependencies-gradle-contents.json: /home/runner/.gradle-cache-action/dependencies-gradle-contents.json.1-delta-dependencies-gradle-Linux-PR2582-662f4b793173c10c41ae220627546cefac798960 does not exist
Java 11, microsoft, PG 9.4, simple query, no_scram, no_ssl, ubuntu, server_tz UTC, client_tz UTC, de_DE, gss, no_replication, no_slow_tests
~/.gradle-cache-action/dependencies-maven-contents.json: /home/runner/.gradle-cache-action/dependencies-maven-contents.json.1-dependencies-maven-Linux-PR2582-da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 does not exist
Java 22, oracle, PG 14, extendedCacheEverything, scram, ssl, ubuntu, server_tz America/New_York, client_tz Pacific/Chatham, fr_FR, no_gss, replication, no_slow_tests, stress JIT
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1. For more information see:
Java 22, oracle, PG 9.6, no_scram, ssl, ubuntu, server_tz Pacific/Chatham, client_tz UTC, de_DE, no_gss, no_replication, no_slow_tests
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1. For more information see: