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GitHub issue あつめ


GitHub の issue をあつめます。


docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm web bin/setup



docker-compose run --rm web bin/rake rails_issues:puts_csv
Response example
Exclude mailer preview classes,Because mailer preview classes don't follow namesp,
Remove SQLite savepoint suppor,Spotted when reviewing,
Use a single term instead of a,"Fixes #36233.

I agree with the sentiment behind",
[ci skip] Clarity in the upgra,"`purpose` is not a known entity, `purpose metadata",
Update documentation to explai,Closes,
Fix database loading when ERB ,*sigh* this seems like the never ending bug. I don,
Fix ArgumentError with Rails 5,"### Steps to reproduce

Save the following code ",
ActionText attachments not usi,"There is an inconsistency in ActionText, where att",
docs fixup on named route help,4 different phrases are used to describe exactly t,
Rails 6 RC1: Migration was not,"### Steps to reproduce
1. Have a Rails 6 RC 1 pro",
select column name as alias gi,"### Steps to reproduce
<!-- (Guidelines for creat",
Unexpected nested transaction ,"### Steps to reproduce
Raise an `ActiveRecord::Ro",
"rails test, console, and gener","### Steps to reproduce
`rails test`, `rails conso",
Prevent reading inline attachm,"### Summary

Without this change, `attachments.i",
Remove `report-uri` directive ,"This is the continuation of #34704

It updates t",
minor grammar fix,"""setup"" is a noun, ""set up"" is the verb phrase",
[WIP] add server timing middle,"### Summary

This is a proposal for adding a ser",
Interaction Between `autosave`,At GitHub we have an issue that we've determined t,
Add Search to guides.rubyonrai,Adding a Search ability to the guides.rubyonrails.,
includes(has-many).limit.pluck,When calling `pluck` on a relation that `includes`,
Add `Vary: Accept` header when,According to [RFC 7231 7.1.4](https://tools.ietf.o,
"tag_option fails with ""gsub!"" ","rails 6.0.0rc1

It seems that tag_option logic i",
Fix: ActiveRecord::RecordInval,Fixes,
Nested attributes use default ,"### Steps to reproduce
ActiveModel numericality valid,"### Steps to reproduce

# frozen_string",
ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: V,"### Steps to reproduce
class Post < ApplicationRe",
Migrations not namespaced by d,"### Steps to reproduce
- `rails new project5`
- ",
manifest.js directly loads all,"### Steps to reproduce
Create a new app using `ra",
Added guide for `config.autolo,"### Summary
added a guide for `config.autoloader`",
Rails attribute API typecast i,"### Steps to reproduce
# frozen_string_l",


docker-compose up -d
open http://localhost:3000/

Display example (by root path)

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GitHub の issue をあつめます







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