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ALSO Cloud Marketplace API Golang Wrapper

Golang Wrapper for ALSO Cloud Marketplace API

alt text

Swagger Specs for ALSO Cloud Marketplace Simple API are here:


$ go get


Configuration Examples Type Note
Marketplace string URL Marketplace (Country specific)
apiUser string Username for Cloud Marketplace
apiPassword 1234 string Password for Cloud Marketplace
options &also.Options{Timeout: 30} *also.Options Options (see Chapter Options)


import (
  also ""

var alsocloud, err = also.NewClient(
	&also.Options{Log: true, Timeout: 30},


Options are optional:

Option Example Note
APIPrefix /SimpleAPI/SimpleAPIService.svc/rest API - Prefix; Default = /SimpleAPI/SimpleAPIService.svc/rest
LoginEndpoint GetSessionToken Endpoint for Login; Default = GetSessionToken
UserAgent go-also-cloud-wrapper User Agent; Default = go-also-cloud-wrapper
Timeout 15 Timeout in seconds
VerifySSL true Check if SSL is valid
Log true Activates Log Output; Default = false
Client urlfetch.Client(ctx) 1 HTTP-Client; Default = http.DefaultClient

1: urlfetch is used for Google App Engine Standard Instances but can be replaced by any HTTP-Client


Parameter Typ Note
endpoint string Endpoint ALSO Cloud Marketplace; f.ex. GetCompany, GetUser...
data interface{} Date (automatic conversion to JSON)
parameters url.Values Parameters

Full Example

Get Company

import (
  also ""

//Create client
var alsocloud, err = also.NewClient(
	alsocloud.Switzerland,			//Using predefined Constant Switzerland.  
	"",			//Plain URL would be possible ""
	&px.Options{Log: true, Timeout: 30},

//Create context
ctx := context.Background()

res, _, _, err := alsocloud.Post(ctx, "GetCompany", nil)

	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	resp := buf.String()
	fmt.Printf(resp, err)
	defer res.Close()
	//returns {"ParentAccountId": 1234,"AccountId": 1234,"AccountState": "Active","CompanyName": "Demo"...

For a full list of options check GoDoc.