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@Zyie Zyie released this 25 Sep 16:26
· 1381 commits to dev since this release


These beta releases are still subject to API changes

🎁 NEW 🎁

New Package Structure

  • No more "lerna," PixiJS is now just one package with one import root: import {stuff} from β€˜pixi.js’. This change means we now have much better tree shaking during app compilation, reducing bundle size if not imported.


    import { Sprite } from "@pixi/sprite";
    import { Graphic } from "@pixi/graphics";


    import { Sprite, Graphic } from "pixi.js";

Renderer Initialization Update

  • When initializing a renderer, this process is now asynchronous, serving two purposes:

    • Identifying and loading the necessary renderer code (minimizing bundling).
    • Allowing asynchronous initialization of webGPU.
  • We are using dynamic imports to correctly load the necessary renderer code, meaning you should only be loading the code you need!

    import { Application, autoDetectRenderer } from "pixi.js";
    const app = new Application();
    (async () => {
      await app.init({
        // application options
      // or
      const renderer = await autoDetectRenderer({}); // WebGL or WebGPU
      // do pixi things

WebGPU Renderer & New Architecture

  • PixiJS now supports rendering using the WebGPU API. It gracefully falls back to the WebGL renderer if WebGPU is not available.
  • RenderPipes:
    • The renderer now uses a pipeline system to render objects. This allows for more flexibility and extensibility.
    • This means that render logic is no longer within the Item (e.g., Sprite); it now relies on the renderer to handle changes in data.
  • Pixi can render in two modes:
    • 'Fast mode' when the scene structure remains unchanged between frames.
    • 'Regular mode' for scenes that change.
    • Scene changes include:
      • Adding or removing a child element.
      • Changing element visibility.
      • Swapping a texture or blendMode on a batched element.
      • Rebuilding a Graphics/Mesh that has been batched.
    • Regular mode is as fast as or faster than v7's rendering methods in many cases.
  • Pixi also now reactively renders the scene
    • Only updates the transform of elements that have changed.
  • The changes to the renderer have allowed us to make some significant performance improvements:
    • In 'Fast' mode, v8 achieves up to 200% higher FPS than v7 in Chrome Canary.
    • In 'Regular' mode, v8 achieves up to 50% higher FPS in Chrome Canary.
  • We have also added a shader compiler that lets us build shaders lego style by stacking shader bits together to change functionality. This will give us a platform to take shaders to the next level.

DisplayObject Overhaul

  • DisplayObject has been removed and replaced with Container. Container now accepts a view that allows it to render something to the screen. This won’t affect you as we still have Sprite, β€˜Mesh’ etc. Its just a little more organised under the hood
  • From v8, only Container's are allowed to have children. This means you can no longer do sprite.addChild(child). Instead you must do container.addChild(sprite, child).
    const wrapper = new Container();
    const sprite = new Sprite();
    const child = new Sprite();
    wrapper.addChild(sprite, child);
  • Layers: Container now has a layer property. This allows you to group objects together and move them around without the cost of transforming the scene graph.
  • Blend modes are now inherited from the parent container.
  • Tint is also inherited, allowing tinting of all children in a container.
  • We have also added support for a wide range of Photoshop-like filters, including Vivid Light, Color Burn, and more.
  • Bounds now calculated without affecting scene graph transforms

Texture Overhaul

  • Textures have been completely rewritten and contain a lot less code than before. This has made it much easier for us to maintain compared to v7.
  • A Texture now consist of TextureSource, TextureStyle, and TextureLayout
  • Added antialias option to all textures

Graphics Overhaul

  • Graphics API has been changed to make it more intuitive and easier to use.
      .rect(50, 50, 100, 100)
  • We added a GraphicsContext that powers all graphics now. These contexts can be shared between graphics
  • Added support for svg drawing
  • Added gradient support
  • Added GraphicsPath's that can be used to draw and share shapes.
    • also support svg paths! eg new GraphicsPath('M 100 350 q 150 -300 300 0')
  • You can now build a geometry from a path using buildGeometryFromPath(path)
  • Dynamic graphics are much faster: up to 60% faster.

Text Overhaul

  • Text has been completely rewritten and now uses a single class. You specify the rendering mode in the constructor
    new Text({ text: "hello", renderMode: "canvas" });
    new Text({ text: "hello", renderMode: "bitmap" });
    new Text({ text: "hello", renderMode: "html" });
  • Dynamic bitmap fonts will generate glyphs on the fly, so no need to build the font first
  • bitmap font and canvas fonts layout almost identically now - so switching is much more trivial
  • text style supports the same fill style as graphics objects
  • bitmap text is now measured more efficiently
  • HTML text will now handle font loading the same way you load any other kind of font with Assets. No need to load these fonts in separately anymore

Other Changes

  • Options for all! We have tried to standardize all constructors of PixiJS objects using a single options param. This is great as it means we can easily add props in the future, and also unlocks the ability to mix object parameters.

πŸ”₯ Breaking Changes πŸ”₯

Below is a non complete list of breaking changes. This will be updated fully before the official release


  • PixiJS will now need to be initialised asynchronously. With the introduction of the WebGPU renderer PixiJS will now need to be awaited before being used

    import { Application } from "pixi.js";
    const app = new Application();
    // do pixi things


    import { Application } from "pixi.js";
    const app = new Application();
    (async () => {
      await app.init({
        // application options
      // do pixi things
  • view renamed to canvas

    const app = new Application();


    const app = new Application({ canvas: myCanvas });
    await app.init();


  • Renderer.render() now takes an object if passing multiple arguments

    renderer.render(stage, renderTexture);


    renderer.render({ stage, renderTexture });
  • Renderer class no longer exists. Replaced with WebGLRenderer&WebGPURenderer. Renderer as a type still exists

    const renderer = new Renderer();


    const renderer = new WebGLRenderer();
    const renderer = new WebGPURenderer();
    // or
    const renderer = autoDetectRenderer(); // WebGL or WebGPU


  • Only Container's are allowed to have children

    const sprite = new Sprite();
    const child = new Sprite();


    const wrapper = new Container();
    const sprite = new Sprite();
    const child = new Sprite();
    wrapper.addChild(sprite, child);
  • Text is now one unified class. You specify the rendering mode in the constructor

    new Text("hello");
    new BitmapText("hello");
    new HTMLText("hello");


    new Text({ text: "hello", renderMode: "canvas" });
    new Text({ text: "hello", renderMode: "bitmap" });
    new Text({ text: "hello", renderMode: "html" });
  • Text.dropShadow is now an object

    text.dropShadow = true;
    text.dropShadowAlpha = 1;
    text.dropShadowAngle = Math.PI / 6;
    text.dropShadowBlur = 0;
    text.dropShadowColor = "black";
    text.dropShadowDistance = 5;


    text.dropShadow = {
      alpha: 1,
      angle: Math.PI / 6,
      blur: 0,
      color: "black",
      distance: 5,
  • Text.stroke is now an object

    text.stroke = "black";
    text.strokeThickness = 0;


    text.stroke = {
      color: "black",
      width: 2,
  • NineSlicePlane renamed to NineSliceSprite and options converted to an object

    new NineSlicePlane(texture, 10, 10, 10, 10);


    new NineSliceSprite({
      leftWidth: 10,
      rightWidth: 10,
      topHeight: 10,
      bottomHeight: 10,
  • MeshGeometry&PlaneGeometry options converted to an object

    new PlaneGeometry(100, 100, 10, 10);
    new MeshGeometry(vertices, uvs, indices);


    new PlaneGeometry({
      width: 100,
      height: 100,
      verticesX: 10,
      verticesY: 10,
    new MeshGeometry({
      positions: vertices,
  • Mesh options converted to an object

    new Mesh(geometry, shader, state, drawMode);


    // `drawMode` is now `geometry.topology`
    geometry.topology = "triangle-strip";
    new Mesh({ geometry, shader });
  • Mesh.material has been removed use Mesh.shader instead


  • You no longer need to begin/end fills, you just draw the shape and fill it in one go.
    .drawRect(50, 50, 100, 100);


  .rect(50, 50, 100, 100)
  • Other API changes
    graphics.drawCircle() ->
    graphics.drawEllipse() -> graphics.ellipse()
    graphics.drawPolygon() -> graphics.polygon()
    graphics.drawRect() -> graphics.rect()
    graphics.drawRoundedRect() -> graphics.roundRect()
    graphics.drawStar() ->


  • A Ticker instance is now passed to the callback

    Ticker.shared.add((dt) => {
      bunny.rotation += dt;


    Ticker.shared.add((ticker) => {
      bunny.rotation += ticker.deltaTime;
  • enums have been removed in favour of string literals

    container.blendMode = BLEND_MODES.ADD;
    baseTexture.wrapMode = WRAP_MODES.CLAMP;
    baseTexture.scaleMode = SCALE_MODES.NEAREST;


    container.blendMode = "add";
    texture.source.wrapMode = "clamp";
    texture.source.scaleMode = "nearest";