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First, build and install the provider.

$ make install

In order to make request to the api you need to create a user.
Use the following command and to your information:

curl -X POST -d '{"email": "", "password": "password"}'

Provider Docs:

Required Providers:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    playgroundtech = {
      version = "0.2"
      source   = ""

In order to make calls against the Playgroundtech provider you need to authenticate.
This can be done either by setting the following environment variables PLAYGROUNDTECH_EMAIL and PLAYGROUNDTECH_PASSWORD.
It's also possible to set them by defining the following block in your .tf file.

provider "playgroundtech" {
  email    = ""
  password = "password"

Playground Resource:

Manages a job application to Playgroundtech.

Example Usage:

resource "playgroundtech_application" "test" {
  phone_number = "0123456789"
  email        = ""
  linkedin     = ""
  github       = ""
  homepage     = ""

Argument Reference:

  • phone_number | (Required) - String
    Phone number applicant want to be contacted on.

  • email | (Required) - String
    Email applicant want to be contacted on.

  • linkedin | (Required) - String
    Linkedin of applicant.

  • github | (Optional) - String
    Github of applicant to be used as further reference.

  • homepage | (Optional) - String
    Homepage of applicant to be used as further reference.

Delete User & Application:

To fetch your :ID and Token you can login with following:

curl -d '{"email": "", "password": "password"}'

After receiving your :id and $TOKEN you run following command with replacement of your :id and Token.
This will delete your user and any job application made by you.

curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Bearer {$TOKEN}'