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Playwright Community

Community based Playwright tooling for writing and executing test easier.


  1. playwright-go playwright-go Public

    Playwright for Go a browser automation library to control Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.

    Go 1.8k 136

  2. eslint-plugin-playwright eslint-plugin-playwright Public

    ESLint plugin for Playwright

    TypeScript 218 30

  3. expect-playwright expect-playwright Public

    Expect utility matcher functions to simplify expect statements for the usage with Playwright Test or Jest Playwright.

    TypeScript 142 17

  4. playwright-jest-examples playwright-jest-examples Public

    Demonstrates the usage of Playwright (cross-browser automation library in Node.js) in combination with Jest on GitHub Actions to test various setups.

    TypeScript 98 45

  5. playwright-community playwright-community Public

    A central home for tutorials, tooling, and showcases of the Playwright ecosystem.

    MDX 46 5

  6. jest-playwright jest-playwright Public

    Running tests using Jest & Playwright

    TypeScript 522 73


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