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sven edited this page Jul 31, 2017 · 1 revision


Currently we use a own static site [] and all training docs are in one sphinx build behind that. This is kind of sub optimal because you can't search from, we have to maintain various sites, etc.

The community started to extend 'Mastering Plone' and that is exactly where it went 'wrong', no offense ! :)

The different trainings should no depend on the other ones, meaning we should be able to update, build and deploy one training without interfering with the other ones, this is currently not possible.

  • This makes writing easier since yo can focus on one file structure for one training.
  • It is easier and faster for testing.
  • Better deploying
  • Easier with custom sphinx configuration settings, if needed.

One other important aspect is the user or trainee, if you choose for the training 'Working with content' you do not want to be distracted with chapters about 'zcml the programmer way' in your navigation.


The biggest challenge is to get intersphinx properly working, this is not rocket since but a bit of manual work, since we have to include that in each sphinx build.


  • Theme with landing page
  • Setup new structure
  • Tests
  • New Deploy


Nothing is written in stone and we probably conclude that this new setup is also not perfect, but IMHO we have to start somewhere, given the limited amount of resources and time, this proposal is IMHO a nice begin, sure not perfect, but at least a start.

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