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Infrastructure maintenance #2031

Infrastructure maintenance

Infrastructure maintenance #2031

Triggered via pull request April 30, 2023 03:02
Status Failure
Total duration 6m 52s


on: pull_request
Matrix: build
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10 errors
build (16): packages/static/src/mappings/index.ts#L14
The inferred type of 'chartsMapping' cannot be named without a reference to '../pie/node_modules/@nivo/arcs/dist/types/index'. This is likely not portable. A type annotation is necessary.
build (16): packages/static/src/mappings/pie.ts#L26
The inferred type of 'pieMapping' cannot be named without a reference to '../pie/node_modules/@nivo/arcs/dist/types/index'. This is likely not portable. A type annotation is necessary.
build (16): packages/static/src/mappings/sunburst.ts#L20
The inferred type of 'sunburstMapping' cannot be named without a reference to '../pie/node_modules/@nivo/arcs/dist/types/index'. This is likely not portable. A type annotation is necessary.
build (16): packages/boxplot/src/compute/stratification.ts#L63
Type 'RawDatum | Omit<BoxPlotSummary, "groupIndex" | "subGroupIndex">' is not assignable to type 'object'.
build (16): packages/express/src/memory-storage.ts#L1
Cannot find module '@nivo/static' or its corresponding type declarations.
build (16): packages/express/src/index.ts#L4
Cannot find module '@nivo/static' or its corresponding type declarations.
build (16): packages/recompose/src/defaultProps.ts#L14
Argument of type '{ (ownerProps: any): React.CElement<unknown, React.Component<unknown, any, any>>; defaultProps: T; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ComponentType<any>'.
build (16): packages/recompose/src/pure.ts#L11
Type 'ComponentClass<Omit<{}, never>, any>' is not assignable to type 'ComponentType<TProps>'.
build (16): packages/recompose/src/pure.ts#L11
Argument of type 'ComponentType<TProps>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ComponentType<{}>'.