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A slack bot based on com.ullink.slack:simpleslackapi.


The bot has 2 main operating modes to interact with:

  • listeners: The bot listens and reacts to some predefined commands
  • services: The bot does things at a regular pace and/or at a given date


See the package fr/spironet/slackbot/listeners. Here is a list of currently implemented listeners:

  • ConfluenceListener: reacts to !confluence ... commands, the purpose is to search for resources (blogs,pages) on Confluence
  • DefaultListener: just dumps all the events (e.g. messages on channels the bot is onto) to its logs
  • GithubListener: reacts to !github ... commands
  • GrafanaListener: reacts to !grafana monitoring command (just dumps a screenshot of our monitoring screen onto the channel where the command has been issued)
  • JenkinsListener: unused anymore (we do not use this CI tool anymore), but the purpose was to trigger builds
  • jiraListener: reacts to !jira ... commands
  • KibanaListener: reacts to !kibana weather command (a "Weather report" of the last 7 days activities on our platforms)
  • OdooListener: reacts to !odoo ... commands
  • TempoListener: reacts to the !tempo ... command, which allows me to fill in my timesheet, interacting with the Jira Tempo plugin

Scheduled services

The code for these services is nested into the fr/spironet/slackbot/scheduled.

Depending on the frequency (e.g. "every x period of time" vs "every monday morning at 10:15"), they are implemented with 2 different libraries:

  • Google guava for regular executed services (e.g. "every 5 minutes")
  • Quartz Scheduler for these needing more precise scheduling (e.g. "every monday morning at ...")

Here are the currently implemented services:

  • ConfluenceRssScheduledService: polls the RSS endpoint from Confluence and warns me if some new events are arriving
  • GithubScheduledService: polls the Github api endpoint for events, for my user and warns me about the new coming ones
  • JiraRssScheduledService: Basically the same as the first one, targeted onto the JIRA endpoints
  • KibanaJob: Visits our Kibana dashboard for the last 7 days and dumps a screenshot of it on a configured channel ("weather report of our infrastructure") every monday morning
  • TerraformScheduledService: Polls the S3 bucket containing some of our terraform states, and warns if a new version is detected, trying to analyze the change and giginv some hints on the changed resources.


a slack bot based on simple-slack-api






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