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Why Pointvy?

Pointvy is a simple web interface for the execution of the Trivy scanner.

Pointvy exists because sometimes (or often) you need to scan an image and:

  • you don't want to or are forbidden to run Trivy on your computer.
  • or you can't easily join the Internet thanks to a corporate proxy.

You define the image (optionally add some command options) and you get the result on a web page. Pointvy is designed to run on a container serverless service based on Knative like GCP's Cloud Run or Scaleway's Serverless Containers.

You can also run it in a common Docker / Kubernetes / OpenShift environment (without Knative).

Pointvy Screenshot

Pointvy is not for you if

  • You prefer to simply use Trivy in a console. Using Trivy would be a better choice.
  • You want to automate Trivy scans in a Kubernetes cluster, then try Starboard, another Aqua Security open-source project, and maybe bind it to an Octant dashboard.

Deployment of Pointvy 🚀

Several deployment options exist.

Deploying on GCP Cloud Run

First, you need an already up and running GCP account (with billing configured). We won't cover it here.

The easiest way to run Pointvy in Cloud Run is by using gcloud CLI tool.

Here is how to install GCP's Cloud SDK that contains gcloud.

Clone Pointvy repository and change directory to the newly created folder.

git clone

cd pointvy

Connect gcloud SDK to your GCP account.

gcloud auth login

Set your project ID.

gcloud config set project [your-project-ID]

Deploy the project, with pointvy as name, to your Cloud Run tenant on GCP.

gcloud run deploy pointvy --source .


  • "Specify a region": the closest to your location might be a good choice.
  • "Allow unauthenticated invocations to": Set "y" to allow people to request without requiring a GCP Cloud Identity and IAM configured. This should only be a temporary unsecure choice.

When the deployment has succeeds, gcloud will display the Service URL on which is exposed the service. You will get something similar to:

Building using Dockerfile and deploying container to Cloud Run service [pointvy] in project [adjective-name-334110] region [europe-north1]
✓ Building and deploying... Done.
  ✓ Uploading sources...
  ✓ Building Container... Logs are available at [].
  ✓ Creating Revision...
  ✓ Routing traffic...
Service [pointvy] revision [pointvy-00003-kix] has been deployed and is serving 100 percent of traffic.
Service URL:

⚠️ Keep in mind that the execution of the container in Cloud Run and the storage of its image in your GCP Registry is not free! Depending on your configuration, the service might allow direct and unauthenticated access to anybody from the Internet. Other people might use it as soon as they know the URL and might increase your bill.

Deploying on Scaleway Serverless Containers

Clone Pointvy repository and change directory to the newly created folder.

git clone

cd pointvy

As Scaleway doesn't provide a container building pipeline, you have to build the Pointvy container on your side.

docker build . -t pointvy

Export locally your secret token that you previously created in the credentials section.

export SCW_SECRET_TOKEN="value of your password"

Export the name of your namespace: ⚠️ Of course, replace [name-of-your-registry-namespace] with the name of a namespace you previously created in Scaleway Container Registry.

export NAMESPACE=[name-of-your-registry-namespace]

Connect Docker to the registry:

docker login${NAMESPACE} -u nologin -p ${SCW_SECRET_TOKEN}

Locally tag the recently built pointvy image with the path to your registry and push the image to your remote Container Registry.

docker tag pointvy:latest${NAMESPACE}/pointvy:latest
docker push${NAMESPACE}/pointvy:latest

💡 You can't use Docker Hub as a registry or any other public registry, only the Scaleway internal registry can be used.

Finally, deploy the container by using the web console > Serverless Container.

The container endpoint will be displayed in the console and be similar to

⚠️ Like with GCP Cloud Run, keep in mind that the use of resources is not free. If unauthenticated access to your endpoint is allowed, people may increase your bill.


Clone Pointvy repository and change directory to the newly created folder.

git clone

cd pointvy

Build the image and name it pointvy. (Don't forget the point in the command.)

docker build . -t pointvy

Run the image and bind it on port 8080.

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -e PORT=8080 pointvy

💡 If you want to change the binding port (from which you can reach the service), it is the first 8080 that has to be modified.

⚠️ the full -p 8080:8080 -e PORT=8080 expression must be present otherwise the gunicorn server won't be bound to the right TCP port and/or won't be exposed on the good port.

The interface should be reachable at http://localhost:8080 if you run it locally and depends on your configuration if you run it on a remote server.

Keep in mind that direct Internet access is required by the container in order to download the vulnerabilities database.


The query field of Pointvy might not just take the image name (by example alpine:3.12.1) but also the same commands and options provided by Trivy as when used in command line mode.

You don't have to write trivy at the beginning of the query. Just start with options or the image description.

Here are some interesting options:

Command/Option Comment
-s HIGH,CRITICAL Just display high and critical vulnerabilities.
--ignore-unfixed Ignore the vulnerabilities that aren't fixed by the distribution. (Asking for the update of an image prone to unfixed vulnerabilities might be a problem.)
--format (table|json|template) Define the output format.
-h Display help page.


Test a scan with and without the --ignore-unfixed option to see the difference:

--ignore-unfixed mariadb

-s is for filtering by severity (also using latest tag is often a bad idea, especially with the official Python image)

-s HIGH,CRITICAL python:latest

Only scan for vulnerabilities in the library packages:

--vuln-type library jenkins/jenkins


Feel free to send a PR to add modifications that you would share and see included in this open-source project.

Pointvy is an open-source project that uses Trivy but is not affiliated with, funded by, or associated with Aqua Security.