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Releases: poppinss/youch

Add support for helpful links

29 Sep 15:59
Choose a tag to compare

Helpful links is a way for users to search for the error on the websites where they can find helpful information.

Usually these sites can be Google or Stackoverflow. However, you can also add links to your forum or slack group or even Github search.

See it in action

.addLink(({ message }) => {
  return `<a href="${message}"> Search google </a>`

Lazy loading font awesome icons

Also, you can return the HTML with classes from font awesome brand icons. If your returned HTML is making use of the font awesome icons, then Youch will automatically load the CSS files from font awesome CDN.

.addLink(({ message }) => {
  return `<a href="${message}"><i class="fab fa-google"></i></a>`