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Pull requests: portefaix/portefaix-hub

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Pull requests list

chore(deps): update peter-evans/create-pull-request action to v6.0.5 area/github Github dependency/github Dependency Github Actions kind/renovate Categorizes issue or PR as related to Renovate lifecycle/active Indicates that an issue or PR is actively being worked on by a contributor. priority/low This issue can probably be picked up by anyone looking to contribute to the project, as an entry fix size/m Size M size/xs Size XS status/review_needed The issue or PR needs to be reviewed
#722 opened Apr 25, 2024 by renovate bot Loading…
1 task
chore(deps): update cloudflare/cloudflared docker tag to v2024.4.1 area/helm Helm dependency/docker Dependency Docker kind/renovate Categorizes issue or PR as related to Renovate lifecycle/active Indicates that an issue or PR is actively being worked on by a contributor. priority/medium This issue or PR may be useful, and needs some attention size/xs Size XS status/review_needed The issue or PR needs to be reviewed
#721 opened Apr 23, 2024 by renovate bot Loading…
1 task
chore(deps): update helm/kind-action action to v1.10.0 area/github Github dependency/github Dependency Github Actions kind/renovate Categorizes issue or PR as related to Renovate lifecycle/active Indicates that an issue or PR is actively being worked on by a contributor. priority/medium This issue or PR may be useful, and needs some attention size/xs Size XS status/review_needed The issue or PR needs to be reviewed
#720 opened Apr 23, 2024 by renovate bot Loading…
1 task
chore(deps): update github/codeql-action action to v3.25.3 area/github Github dependency/github Dependency Github Actions kind/renovate Categorizes issue or PR as related to Renovate lifecycle/active Indicates that an issue or PR is actively being worked on by a contributor. priority/low This issue can probably be picked up by anyone looking to contribute to the project, as an entry fix size/xs Size XS status/review_needed The issue or PR needs to be reviewed
#719 opened Apr 22, 2024 by renovate bot Loading…
1 task
chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4.1.4 area/github Github dependency/github Dependency Github Actions kind/renovate Categorizes issue or PR as related to Renovate lifecycle/active Indicates that an issue or PR is actively being worked on by a contributor. priority/low This issue can probably be picked up by anyone looking to contribute to the project, as an entry fix size/m Size M size/xs Size XS status/review_needed The issue or PR needs to be reviewed
#718 opened Apr 22, 2024 by renovate bot Loading…
1 task
chore(deps): update docker tag to v2.2.59 area/github Github dependency/docker Dependency Docker kind/renovate Categorizes issue or PR as related to Renovate lifecycle/active Indicates that an issue or PR is actively being worked on by a contributor. priority/low This issue can probably be picked up by anyone looking to contribute to the project, as an entry fix size/xs Size XS status/review_needed The issue or PR needs to be reviewed
#717 opened Apr 22, 2024 by renovate bot Loading…
1 task
chore(deps): update golift/unifi-poller docker tag to v2.11.2 area/helm Helm dependency/docker Dependency Docker kind/renovate Categorizes issue or PR as related to Renovate lifecycle/active Indicates that an issue or PR is actively being worked on by a contributor. priority/medium This issue or PR may be useful, and needs some attention size/xs Size XS status/review_needed The issue or PR needs to be reviewed
#716 opened Apr 20, 2024 by renovate bot Loading…
1 task
chore(deps): update grafana/beyla docker tag to v1.5.2 area/helm Helm dependency/docker Dependency Docker kind/renovate Categorizes issue or PR as related to Renovate lifecycle/active Indicates that an issue or PR is actively being worked on by a contributor. priority/medium This issue or PR may be useful, and needs some attention size/xs Size XS status/review_needed The issue or PR needs to be reviewed
#715 opened Apr 19, 2024 by renovate bot Loading…
1 task
chore(deps): update actions/upload-artifact action to v4.3.3 area/github Github dependency/github Dependency Github Actions kind/renovate Categorizes issue or PR as related to Renovate lifecycle/active Indicates that an issue or PR is actively being worked on by a contributor. priority/medium This issue or PR may be useful, and needs some attention size/xs Size XS status/review_needed The issue or PR needs to be reviewed
#714 opened Apr 18, 2024 by renovate bot Loading…
1 task
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