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Arthur Zagretdinov edited this page Jun 15, 2017 · 3 revisions

Replay and verify all

Quick summary

  1. Use PowerMock.replayAll to change all mocks object and classes maintained by PowerMock to replay mode.
  2. Use PowerMock.verifyAll verify all mock objects and classes maintained by PowerMock.
  3. Use PowerMock.resetAll reset all mock objects and classes maintained by PowerMock.


Since version 0.9 of PowerMock you can use PowerMock.replayAll(..) and PowerMock.verifyAll() to replay and verify all classes and objects created (or in some cases used) by PowerMock.

So for example let's say you have some code like:

public class PersistenceManager {

	public boolean createDirectoryStructure(String directoryPath) {
		File directory = new File(directoryPath);

		if (directory.exists()) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"" + directoryPath + "\" already exists.");

		return directory.mkdirs();

the test could look like:

public void testCreateDirectoryStructure_ok() throws Exception {
	final String path = "directoryPath";

        // Using PowerMock's createMock method.
	File fileMock = createMock(File.class);

	PersistenceManager tested = new PersistenceManager();

	expectNew(File.class, path).andReturn(fileMock);


        // Using replay all


        // Using verify all

Since all classes and mocks were created using the PowerMock API methods PowerMock can figure out which classes and objects that need to be replayed and verified automatically. But sometimes this is not possible, for example when you're mixing the EasyMock and PowerMock API's. Let's say that you create the fileMock using EasyMock class extensions createMock method instead, e.g.

File fileMock = EasyMock.createMock(File.class);

Now the test will fail because PowerMock doesn't know of the fileMock because it was not created by PowerMock. What you could do then is to pass the mock object into the replayAll method of PowerMock, i.e.


The test will now pass again. Note that you don't have to modify the verifyAll method because mocks passsed to the replayAll method are automatically verified as well. The example above would look like:

public void testCreateDirectoryStructure_ok_usingEasyMockToCreateTheFileMock() throws Exception {
	final String path = "directoryPath";
	File fileMock = EasyMock.createMock(File.class);

	PersistenceManager tested = new PersistenceManager();

	expectNew(File.class, path).andReturn(fileMock);




