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Pragmasoft project

Java 17 project template


./mvnw package


./mvnw test


./mvnw exec:java


This project uses automatic validation of source formatting rules. Format validation is performed automatically during validation phase, that is, first phase of maven build lifecycle, so any of the commands below also performs validation.

To skip format validation, use formatter.skip system property, for example

./mvnw -Dformatter.skip validate

To automatically reformat all sources according to rules, you can use following command

./mvnw formatter:format

You can also use formatter configuration ${project.basedir}/eclipse-java-google-style.xml to set up formatting rules in your IDE.

These rules are in the format native to Eclipse formatter, so in other IDEs like IDEA, you will need special plugin installed to be able to use this configuration.

You can also copy or symlink a pre-commit git hook from src/main/git/hooks to .git/hooks, which will automatically validate formatting rules before git commits.

Alternatively, you may wish to edit hook to automatically reformat ./mvnw formatter:format code, instead of validation


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