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Writing a Good Issue

Nathan Totten edited this page Mar 3, 2021 · 7 revisions

In order for the authors of this project to diagnose your problem, you must write a high-quality issue. If you do not follow these instructions, your issue will likely be closed without consideration as the volume of issues is simply too high for us to handle incomplete issues.

1. Always use the Issue template provided.

Issues that do not use one of the templates will be immediately closed by a bot. Click the "Get Started" button on to create a "Bug report".

Issue Template

2. Complete All Information and Check off the Tasks

The issue template contains a list of tasks that MUST be completed. After you have completed each task, check off the box as shown below.

- [x] Write a summary of your issue
- [ ] Include a link to a GitHub repo that can be used to reproduce the issue or exact reproduction steps.
- [ ] Provide the expected result
- [ ] Provide the actual result
- [ ] Include extension, os, and vs code information
- [ ] Include Prettier extension log

3. Use the Template Headings

When completing each task, place the information in the correct template heading and REPLACE the existing text. For example, in the summary heading, you will see the following.

### Summary

_Short summary of what is going on or to provide context_.

This should be changed to your real summary as follows.

### Summary

Here is the summary of my issue...

4. ALWAYS Provide the Log Output

The log output of the extension is the most important information we can use to diagnose problems. If you are having trouble with a particular file you MUST format the file before you capture the output.

Here are the steps to collecting a good log.

  1. Enable Debug Logs (Version 6+ only). THIS IS IMPORTANT. Go to Settings > Extensions > Prettier > Enable Debug Logs Format Document
  2. Restart VS Code
  3. Open the file you want to format
  4. Run the command Format Document Format Document
  5. Click the Prettier button in the toolbar to open the log. Prettier Button
  6. Copy the FULL Text of the output log. DO NOT PASTE A SCREENSHOT! Prettier Log
  7. Replace the LOG GOES HERE text with your log Log Goes Here

5. Provide a Sample Github Repo

Most issues involve very specific configurations. The best way to reproduce and fix an issue is to provide a link to a GitHub repo with a minimal reproduction project. This is also the best way to ensure we look at your issue quickly. If you only provide steps to reproduce the issue, it is likely it will not get addressed immediately as it is significantly more work for us to set up a new project and try to reproduce the exact conditions.

6. Submit Your Issue

Note, please do not be rude, use swear words, otherwise violate our Code of Conduct. We will not help you if you are a jerk. If you desperately want your issue prioritized, the maintainers of this extension are available for consultation at a rate of $500 USD per hour with a minimum commitment of 2 hours ($1000 USD) that must be paid in full, in advance.