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Balena versionist is an utility built around versionist to inject a custom configuration based on the project type.

It exports a function runBalenaVersionst(path: string) which will check for a repo.yml at the specified path, if one is found and it contains a valid type, a custom versionist.conf.js file will be generated and injected before calling versionist. If no repo.yml is found, it will call versionist with no config argument.

The module can also be used as a CLI tool by calling balena-versionist [path] (defaults to cwd)

Note that versionist is not included as a dependency in balena-versionist (yet) and must be installed separately to work.


The repo.yml accepts the following options:

type: string
  - repo: string
    url: string
publishMetadata: bool
release: 'github' | 'none'
  org: string
  team: string
  type: string
  version: string
  stagingPercentage: number

type (required)

Each folder in repo-type-mappings corresponds to a valid type; each folder contains the configuration that will be injected and a list of the node dependencies needed by the custom config.

upstream (optional)

The list of upstreams is interpolated in the versionist configuration file and used to populate nested changelogs, the field can be omitted if there is no upstream that supports nested changelogs.

release (optional)

Enum of possible release targets, currently only supports github. If set, a github draft release will be built for each PR (generated artefacts depend on the project type); on merge the release will be published.

publishMetadata (optional)

If set to true, a file called scrutinizer.json will be published on the gh-pages branch of the repo on merge, this file contains information about the state of the repo that can be consumed by other tools

sentry (optional)

If this entry is set, each PR will create a corresponding sentry project and expose the DSN token to the build.

triggerNotification (optional)

This field is electron specific. If set in a meta-PR it will update the latest.yml files for the release matching the specified version with the stagingPercentage value (defaults to 100).

An example of a valid configuration is:

type: generic
  - repo: balena-versionist
publishMetadata: true