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Merge #11551
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11551: Remove support for old NodeJS versions from function serializer r=Frassle a=Frassle

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# Description

<!--- Please include a summary of the change and which issue is fixed. Please also include relevant motivation and context. -->

## Checklist

<!--- Please provide details if the checkbox below is to be left unchecked. -->
- [ ] I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works
User-facing changes require a CHANGELOG entry.
- [x] I have run `make changelog` and committed the `changelog/pending/<file>` documenting my change
If the change(s) in this PR is a modification of an existing call to the Pulumi Service,
then the service should honor older versions of the CLI where this change would not exist.
You must then bump the API version in /pkg/backend/httpstate/client/api.go, as well as add
it to the service.
- [ ] Yes, there are changes in this PR that warrants bumping the Pulumi Service API version
  <!-- `@Pulumi` employees: If yes, you must submit corresponding changes in the service repo. -->

Co-authored-by: Fraser Waters <>
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bors[bot] and Frassle committed Dec 10, 2022
2 parents caf5e17 + fadf117 commit 374d013
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Showing 6 changed files with 251 additions and 462 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
- type: chore
scope: sdk/nodejs
description: Remove function serialization code for out of suppport NodeJS versions.
259 changes: 247 additions & 12 deletions sdk/nodejs/runtime/closure/v8.ts
Expand Up @@ -22,14 +22,39 @@
import * as v8 from "v8";

import * as inspector from "inspector";
import * as util from "util";
import * as vm from "vm";
import * as v8Hooks from "./v8Hooks";

import * as v8_v10andLower from "./v8_v10andLower";
import * as v8_v11andHigher from "./v8_v11andHigher";
* Given a function, returns the file, line and column number in the file where this function was
* defined. Returns { "", 0, 0 } if the location cannot be found or if the given function has no Script.
* @internal
export async function getFunctionLocationAsync(func: Function) {
// First, find the runtime's internal id for this function.
const functionId = await getRuntimeIdForFunctionAsync(func);

// Now, query for the internal properties the runtime sets up for it.
const { internalProperties } = await runtimeGetPropertiesAsync(functionId, /*ownProperties:*/ false);

// Node majorly changed their introspection apis between 10.0 and 11.0 (removing outright some
// of the APIs we use). Detect if we're before or after this change and delegate to the
const versionSpecificV8Module = v8Hooks.isNodeAtLeastV11 ? v8_v11andHigher : v8_v10andLower;
// There should normally be an internal property called [[FunctionLocation]]:
const functionLocation = internalProperties.find(p => === "[[FunctionLocation]]");
if (!functionLocation || !functionLocation.value || !functionLocation.value.value) {
return { file: "", line: 0, column: 0 };

const value = functionLocation.value.value;

// Map from the scriptId the value has to a file-url.
const file = v8Hooks.getScriptUrl(value.scriptId) || "";
const line = value.lineNumber || 0;
const column = value.columnNumber || 0;

return { file, line, column };

* Given a function and a free variable name, lookupCapturedVariableValue looks up the value of that free variable
Expand All @@ -42,11 +67,221 @@ const versionSpecificV8Module = v8Hooks.isNodeAtLeastV11 ? v8_v11andHigher : v8
* @returns The value of the free variable. If `throwOnFailure` is false, returns `undefined` if not found.
* @internal
export const lookupCapturedVariableValueAsync = versionSpecificV8Module.lookupCapturedVariableValueAsync;
export async function lookupCapturedVariableValueAsync(
func: Function, freeVariable: string, throwOnFailure: boolean): Promise<any> {

* Given a function, returns the file, line and column number in the file where this function was
* defined. Returns { "", 0, 0 } if the location cannot be found or if the given function has no Script.
* @internal
export const getFunctionLocationAsync = versionSpecificV8Module.getFunctionLocationAsync;
// First, find the runtime's internal id for this function.
const functionId = await getRuntimeIdForFunctionAsync(func);

// Now, query for the internal properties the runtime sets up for it.
const { internalProperties } = await runtimeGetPropertiesAsync(functionId, /*ownProperties:*/ false);

// There should normally be an internal property called [[Scopes]]:
const scopes = internalProperties.find(p => === "[[Scopes]]");
if (!scopes) {
throw new Error("Could not find [[Scopes]] property");

if (!scopes.value) {
throw new Error("[[Scopes]] property did not have [value]");

if (!scopes.value.objectId) {
throw new Error("[[Scopes]].value have objectId");

// This is sneaky, but we can actually map back from the [[Scopes]] object to a real in-memory
// v8 array-like value. Note: this isn't actually a real array. For example, it cannot be
// iterated. Nor can any actual methods be called on it. However, we can directly index into
// it, and we can. Similarly, the 'object' type it optionally points at is not a true JS
// object. So we can't call things like .hasOwnProperty on it. However, the values pointed to
// by 'object' are the real in-memory JS objects we are looking for. So we can find and return
// those successfully to our caller.
const scopesArray: { object?: Record<string, any> }[] = await getValueForObjectId(scopes.value.objectId);

// scopesArray is ordered from innermost to outermost.
for (let i = 0, n = scopesArray.length; i < n; i++) {
const scope = scopesArray[i];
if (scope.object) {
if (freeVariable in scope.object) {
const val = scope.object[freeVariable];
return val;

if (throwOnFailure) {
throw new Error("Unexpected missing variable in closure environment: " + freeVariable);

return undefined;

// We want to call util.promisify on However, due to all the overloads of
// that method, promisify gets confused. To prevent this, we cast our session object down to an
// interface containing only the single overload we care about.
type PostSession<TMethod, TParams, TReturn> = {
post(method: TMethod, params?: TParams, callback?: (err: Error | null, params: TReturn) => void): void;

type EvaluationSession = PostSession<"Runtime.evaluate", inspector.Runtime.EvaluateParameterType, inspector.Runtime.EvaluateReturnType>;
type GetPropertiesSession = PostSession<"Runtime.getProperties", inspector.Runtime.GetPropertiesParameterType, inspector.Runtime.GetPropertiesReturnType>;
type CallFunctionSession = PostSession<"Runtime.callFunctionOn", inspector.Runtime.CallFunctionOnParameterType, inspector.Runtime.CallFunctionOnReturnType>;
type ContextSession = {
post(method: "Runtime.disable" | "Runtime.enable", callback?: (err: Error | null) => void): void;
once(event: "Runtime.executionContextCreated", listener: (message: inspector.InspectorNotification<inspector.Runtime.ExecutionContextCreatedEventDataType>) => void): void;

type InflightContext = {
contextId: number;
functions: Record<string, any>;
currentFunctionId: number;
calls: Record<string, any>;
currentCallId: number;
// Isolated singleton context accessible from the inspector.
// Used instead of `global` object to support executions with multiple V8 vm contexts as, e.g., done by Jest.
let inflightContextCache: Promise<InflightContext> | undefined;
function inflightContext() {
if (inflightContextCache) {
return inflightContextCache;
inflightContextCache = createContext();
return inflightContextCache;
async function createContext(): Promise<InflightContext> {
const context: InflightContext = {
contextId: 0,
functions: {},
currentFunctionId: 0,
calls: {},
currentCallId: 0,
const session = <ContextSession>await v8Hooks.getSessionAsync();
const post = util.promisify(;

// Create own context with known context id and functionsContext as `global`
await, "Runtime.enable");
const contextIdAsync = new Promise<number>(resolve => {
session.once("Runtime.executionContextCreated", event => {
context.contextId = await contextIdAsync;
await, "Runtime.disable");

return context;

async function getRuntimeIdForFunctionAsync(func: Function): Promise<inspector.Runtime.RemoteObjectId> {
// In order to get information about an object, we need to put it in a well known location so
// that we can call Runtime.evaluate and find it. To do this, we use a special map on the
// 'global' object of a vm context only used for this purpose, and map from a unique-id to that
// object. We then call Runtime.evaluate with an expression that then points to that unique-id
// in that global object. The runtime will then find the object and give us back an internal id
// for it. We can then query for information about the object through that internal id.
// Note: the reason for the mapping object and the unique-id we create is so that we don't run
// into any issues when being called asynchronously. We don't want to place the object in a
// location that might be overwritten by another call while we're asynchronously waiting for our
// original call to complete.

const session = <EvaluationSession>await v8Hooks.getSessionAsync();
const post = util.promisify(;

// Place the function in a unique location
const context = await inflightContext();
const currentFunctionName = "id" + context.currentFunctionId++;
context.functions[currentFunctionName] = func;
const contextId = context.contextId;
const expression = `functions.${currentFunctionName}`;

try {
const retType = await, "Runtime.evaluate", { contextId, expression });

if (retType.exceptionDetails) {
throw new Error(`Error calling "Runtime.evaluate(${expression})" on context ${contextId}: ` + retType.exceptionDetails.text);

const remoteObject = retType.result;
if (remoteObject.type !== "function") {
throw new Error("Remote object was not 'function': " + JSON.stringify(remoteObject));

if (!remoteObject.objectId) {
throw new Error("Remote function does not have 'objectId': " + JSON.stringify(remoteObject));

return remoteObject.objectId;
finally {
delete context.functions[currentFunctionName];

async function runtimeGetPropertiesAsync(
objectId: inspector.Runtime.RemoteObjectId,
ownProperties: boolean | undefined) {
const session = <GetPropertiesSession>await v8Hooks.getSessionAsync();
const post = util.promisify(;

// This cast will become unnecessary when we move to TS 3.1.6 or above. In that version they
// support typesafe '.call' calls.
const retType = <inspector.Runtime.GetPropertiesReturnType>await
session, "Runtime.getProperties", { objectId, ownProperties });

if (retType.exceptionDetails) {
throw new Error(`Error calling "Runtime.getProperties(${objectId}, ${ownProperties})": `
+ retType.exceptionDetails.text);

return { internalProperties: retType.internalProperties || [], properties: retType.result };

async function getValueForObjectId(objectId: inspector.Runtime.RemoteObjectId): Promise<any> {
// In order to get the raw JS value for the *remote wrapper* of the [[Scopes]] array, we use
// Runtime.callFunctionOn on it passing in a fresh function-declaration. The Node runtime will
// then compile that function, invoking it with the 'real' underlying scopes-array value in
// memory as the bound 'this' value. Inside that function declaration, we can then access
// 'this' and assign it to a unique-id in a well known mapping table we have set up. As above,
// the unique-id is to prevent any issues with multiple in-flight asynchronous calls.

const session = <CallFunctionSession>await v8Hooks.getSessionAsync();
const post = util.promisify(;
const context = await inflightContext();

// Get an id for an unused location in the global table.
const tableId = "id" + context.currentCallId++;

// Now, ask the runtime to call a fictitious method on the scopes-array object. When it
// does, it will get the actual underlying value for the scopes array and bind it to the
// 'this' value inside the function. Inside the function we then just grab 'this' and
// stash it in our global table. After this completes, we'll then have access to it.

// This cast will become unnecessary when we move to TS 3.1.6 or above. In that version they
// support typesafe '.call' calls.
const retType = <inspector.Runtime.CallFunctionOnReturnType>await
session, "Runtime.callFunctionOn", {
functionDeclaration: `function () {
calls["${tableId}"] = this;

if (retType.exceptionDetails) {
throw new Error(`Error calling "Runtime.callFunction(${objectId})": `
+ retType.exceptionDetails.text);

if (!context.calls.hasOwnProperty(tableId)) {
throw new Error(`Value was not stored into table after calling "Runtime.callFunctionOn(${objectId})"`);

// Extract value and clear our table entry.
const val = context.calls[tableId];
delete context.calls[tableId];

return val;
14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions sdk/nodejs/runtime/closure/v8Hooks.ts
Expand Up @@ -20,22 +20,12 @@
import * as v8 from "v8";

import * as semver from "semver";

// On node11 and above, create an 'inspector session' that can be used to keep track of what is
// happening through a supported API. Pre-11 we can just call into % intrinsics for the same data.
/** @internal */
export const isNodeAtLeastV11 = semver.gte(process.version, "11.0.0");

let session: Promise<import("inspector").Session | undefined> | undefined = undefined;

function getSession() {
if (session !== undefined) {
return session;
if (!isNodeAtLeastV11) {
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
session = createInspectorSessionAsync();
return session;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,10 +59,6 @@ async function createInspectorSessionAsync(): Promise<import("inspector").Sessio
* @internal
export async function getSessionAsync() {
if (!isNodeAtLeastV11) {
throw new Error("Should not call getSessionAsync unless on Node11 or above.");

return getSession();

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