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Remove support for old NodeJS versions from function serializer
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Frassle committed Dec 6, 2022
1 parent 712145c commit 64c27f3
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Showing 5 changed files with 247 additions and 462 deletions.
259 changes: 247 additions & 12 deletions sdk/nodejs/runtime/closure/v8.ts
Expand Up @@ -22,14 +22,39 @@
import * as v8 from "v8";

import * as inspector from "inspector";
import * as util from "util";
import * as vm from "vm";
import * as v8Hooks from "./v8Hooks";

import * as v8_v10andLower from "./v8_v10andLower";
import * as v8_v11andHigher from "./v8_v11andHigher";
* Given a function, returns the file, line and column number in the file where this function was
* defined. Returns { "", 0, 0 } if the location cannot be found or if the given function has no Script.
* @internal
export async function getFunctionLocationAsync(func: Function) {
// First, find the runtime's internal id for this function.
const functionId = await getRuntimeIdForFunctionAsync(func);

// Now, query for the internal properties the runtime sets up for it.
const { internalProperties } = await runtimeGetPropertiesAsync(functionId, /*ownProperties:*/ false);

// Node majorly changed their introspection apis between 10.0 and 11.0 (removing outright some
// of the APIs we use). Detect if we're before or after this change and delegate to the
const versionSpecificV8Module = v8Hooks.isNodeAtLeastV11 ? v8_v11andHigher : v8_v10andLower;
// There should normally be an internal property called [[FunctionLocation]]:
const functionLocation = internalProperties.find(p => === "[[FunctionLocation]]");
if (!functionLocation || !functionLocation.value || !functionLocation.value.value) {
return { file: "", line: 0, column: 0 };

const value = functionLocation.value.value;

// Map from the scriptId the value has to a file-url.
const file = v8Hooks.getScriptUrl(value.scriptId) || "";
const line = value.lineNumber || 0;
const column = value.columnNumber || 0;

return { file, line, column };

* Given a function and a free variable name, lookupCapturedVariableValue looks up the value of that free variable
Expand All @@ -42,11 +67,221 @@ const versionSpecificV8Module = v8Hooks.isNodeAtLeastV11 ? v8_v11andHigher : v8
* @returns The value of the free variable. If `throwOnFailure` is false, returns `undefined` if not found.
* @internal
export const lookupCapturedVariableValueAsync = versionSpecificV8Module.lookupCapturedVariableValueAsync;
export async function lookupCapturedVariableValueAsync(
func: Function, freeVariable: string, throwOnFailure: boolean): Promise<any> {

* Given a function, returns the file, line and column number in the file where this function was
* defined. Returns { "", 0, 0 } if the location cannot be found or if the given function has no Script.
* @internal
export const getFunctionLocationAsync = versionSpecificV8Module.getFunctionLocationAsync;
// First, find the runtime's internal id for this function.
const functionId = await getRuntimeIdForFunctionAsync(func);

// Now, query for the internal properties the runtime sets up for it.
const { internalProperties } = await runtimeGetPropertiesAsync(functionId, /*ownProperties:*/ false);

// There should normally be an internal property called [[Scopes]]:
const scopes = internalProperties.find(p => === "[[Scopes]]");
if (!scopes) {
throw new Error("Could not find [[Scopes]] property");

if (!scopes.value) {
throw new Error("[[Scopes]] property did not have [value]");

if (!scopes.value.objectId) {
throw new Error("[[Scopes]].value have objectId");

// This is sneaky, but we can actually map back from the [[Scopes]] object to a real in-memory
// v8 array-like value. Note: this isn't actually a real array. For example, it cannot be
// iterated. Nor can any actual methods be called on it. However, we can directly index into
// it, and we can. Similarly, the 'object' type it optionally points at is not a true JS
// object. So we can't call things like .hasOwnProperty on it. However, the values pointed to
// by 'object' are the real in-memory JS objects we are looking for. So we can find and return
// those successfully to our caller.
const scopesArray: { object?: Record<string, any> }[] = await getValueForObjectId(scopes.value.objectId);

// scopesArray is ordered from innermost to outermost.
for (let i = 0, n = scopesArray.length; i < n; i++) {
const scope = scopesArray[i];
if (scope.object) {
if (freeVariable in scope.object) {
const val = scope.object[freeVariable];
return val;

if (throwOnFailure) {
throw new Error("Unexpected missing variable in closure environment: " + freeVariable);

return undefined;

// We want to call util.promisify on However, due to all the overloads of
// that method, promisify gets confused. To prevent this, we cast our session object down to an
// interface containing only the single overload we care about.
type PostSession<TMethod, TParams, TReturn> = {
post(method: TMethod, params?: TParams, callback?: (err: Error | null, params: TReturn) => void): void;

type EvaluationSession = PostSession<"Runtime.evaluate", inspector.Runtime.EvaluateParameterType, inspector.Runtime.EvaluateReturnType>;
type GetPropertiesSession = PostSession<"Runtime.getProperties", inspector.Runtime.GetPropertiesParameterType, inspector.Runtime.GetPropertiesReturnType>;
type CallFunctionSession = PostSession<"Runtime.callFunctionOn", inspector.Runtime.CallFunctionOnParameterType, inspector.Runtime.CallFunctionOnReturnType>;
type ContextSession = {
post(method: "Runtime.disable" | "Runtime.enable", callback?: (err: Error | null) => void): void;
once(event: "Runtime.executionContextCreated", listener: (message: inspector.InspectorNotification<inspector.Runtime.ExecutionContextCreatedEventDataType>) => void): void;

type InflightContext = {
contextId: number;
functions: Record<string, any>;
currentFunctionId: number;
calls: Record<string, any>;
currentCallId: number;
// Isolated singleton context accessible from the inspector.
// Used instead of `global` object to support executions with multiple V8 vm contexts as, e.g., done by Jest.
let inflightContextCache: Promise<InflightContext> | undefined;
function inflightContext() {
if (inflightContextCache) {
return inflightContextCache;
inflightContextCache = createContext();
return inflightContextCache;
async function createContext(): Promise<InflightContext> {
const context: InflightContext = {
contextId: 0,
functions: {},
currentFunctionId: 0,
calls: {},
currentCallId: 0,
const session = <ContextSession>await v8Hooks.getSessionAsync();
const post = util.promisify(;

// Create own context with known context id and functionsContext as `global`
await, "Runtime.enable");
const contextIdAsync = new Promise<number>(resolve => {
session.once("Runtime.executionContextCreated", event => {
context.contextId = await contextIdAsync;
await, "Runtime.disable");

return context;

async function getRuntimeIdForFunctionAsync(func: Function): Promise<inspector.Runtime.RemoteObjectId> {
// In order to get information about an object, we need to put it in a well known location so
// that we can call Runtime.evaluate and find it. To do this, we use a special map on the
// 'global' object of a vm context only used for this purpose, and map from a unique-id to that
// object. We then call Runtime.evaluate with an expression that then points to that unique-id
// in that global object. The runtime will then find the object and give us back an internal id
// for it. We can then query for information about the object through that internal id.
// Note: the reason for the mapping object and the unique-id we create is so that we don't run
// into any issues when being called asynchronously. We don't want to place the object in a
// location that might be overwritten by another call while we're asynchronously waiting for our
// original call to complete.

const session = <EvaluationSession>await v8Hooks.getSessionAsync();
const post = util.promisify(;

// Place the function in a unique location
const context = await inflightContext();
const currentFunctionName = "id" + context.currentFunctionId++;
context.functions[currentFunctionName] = func;
const contextId = context.contextId;
const expression = `functions.${currentFunctionName}`;

try {
const retType = await, "Runtime.evaluate", { contextId, expression });

if (retType.exceptionDetails) {
throw new Error(`Error calling "Runtime.evaluate(${expression})" on context ${contextId}: ` + retType.exceptionDetails.text);

const remoteObject = retType.result;
if (remoteObject.type !== "function") {
throw new Error("Remote object was not 'function': " + JSON.stringify(remoteObject));

if (!remoteObject.objectId) {
throw new Error("Remote function does not have 'objectId': " + JSON.stringify(remoteObject));

return remoteObject.objectId;
finally {
delete context.functions[currentFunctionName];

async function runtimeGetPropertiesAsync(
objectId: inspector.Runtime.RemoteObjectId,
ownProperties: boolean | undefined) {
const session = <GetPropertiesSession>await v8Hooks.getSessionAsync();
const post = util.promisify(;

// This cast will become unnecessary when we move to TS 3.1.6 or above. In that version they
// support typesafe '.call' calls.
const retType = <inspector.Runtime.GetPropertiesReturnType>await
session, "Runtime.getProperties", { objectId, ownProperties });

if (retType.exceptionDetails) {
throw new Error(`Error calling "Runtime.getProperties(${objectId}, ${ownProperties})": `
+ retType.exceptionDetails.text);

return { internalProperties: retType.internalProperties || [], properties: retType.result };

async function getValueForObjectId(objectId: inspector.Runtime.RemoteObjectId): Promise<any> {
// In order to get the raw JS value for the *remote wrapper* of the [[Scopes]] array, we use
// Runtime.callFunctionOn on it passing in a fresh function-declaration. The Node runtime will
// then compile that function, invoking it with the 'real' underlying scopes-array value in
// memory as the bound 'this' value. Inside that function declaration, we can then access
// 'this' and assign it to a unique-id in a well known mapping table we have set up. As above,
// the unique-id is to prevent any issues with multiple in-flight asynchronous calls.

const session = <CallFunctionSession>await v8Hooks.getSessionAsync();
const post = util.promisify(;
const context = await inflightContext();

// Get an id for an unused location in the global table.
const tableId = "id" + context.currentCallId++;

// Now, ask the runtime to call a fictitious method on the scopes-array object. When it
// does, it will get the actual underlying value for the scopes array and bind it to the
// 'this' value inside the function. Inside the function we then just grab 'this' and
// stash it in our global table. After this completes, we'll then have access to it.

// This cast will become unnecessary when we move to TS 3.1.6 or above. In that version they
// support typesafe '.call' calls.
const retType = <inspector.Runtime.CallFunctionOnReturnType>await
session, "Runtime.callFunctionOn", {
functionDeclaration: `function () {
calls["${tableId}"] = this;

if (retType.exceptionDetails) {
throw new Error(`Error calling "Runtime.callFunction(${objectId})": `
+ retType.exceptionDetails.text);

if (!context.calls.hasOwnProperty(tableId)) {
throw new Error(`Value was not stored into table after calling "Runtime.callFunctionOn(${objectId})"`);

// Extract value and clear our table entry.
const val = context.calls[tableId];
delete context.calls[tableId];

return val;
14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions sdk/nodejs/runtime/closure/v8Hooks.ts
Expand Up @@ -20,22 +20,12 @@
import * as v8 from "v8";

import * as semver from "semver";

// On node11 and above, create an 'inspector session' that can be used to keep track of what is
// happening through a supported API. Pre-11 we can just call into % intrinsics for the same data.
/** @internal */
export const isNodeAtLeastV11 = semver.gte(process.version, "11.0.0");

let session: Promise<import("inspector").Session | undefined> | undefined = undefined;

function getSession() {
if (session !== undefined) {
return session;
if (!isNodeAtLeastV11) {
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
session = createInspectorSessionAsync();
return session;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,10 +59,6 @@ async function createInspectorSessionAsync(): Promise<import("inspector").Sessio
* @internal
export async function getSessionAsync() {
if (!isNodeAtLeastV11) {
throw new Error("Should not call getSessionAsync unless on Node11 or above.");

return getSession();

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