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Tool for discover ip addresses of nodes in cloud environments based on meta information like tags provided by the environment.


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Cloud discovery

Tool to discover nodes in cloud environments based on meta information like tags provided by the environment.

Supported clouds:

Provider name Plugin name Description
AWS cloud_discovery_plugin Retrieving informtation about EC2 instances based on tag key
Azure cloud_discovery_plugin_azure Retrieving informtation about Azure virtual machines based on tag key
DigitalOcean cloud_discovery_plugin_do Retrieving informtation about DigitalOcean droplets based on tag key
GCE cloud_discovery_plugin_gce Retrieving informtation about Google cloud instances based on tag key
Kubernetes cloud_discovery_plugin_k8s Retrieving informtation about Kubernetes pods based on tag key
Linode cloud_discovery_plugin_linode Retrieving informtation about Linodes based on tag key
OpenStack cloud_discovery_plugin_os Retrieving informtation about OpeStack instances based on tag key or property key

Default cloud at this moment AWS.

Dependencies graph



Cloud discovery based on Groundwork.

Groundwork is a Python based microframework for highly reusable applications and their components. Its functionality is based on exchangeable, well-documented and well-tested plugins and patterns.


User run command cloud_discovery, application checking input parameters and if input parameters is not presented, shows help.

If input parameter in list, checking checking option which required and output format. If output format doesn't present, application use default output format(plain) . If all parameters and options in place, application try connect to selected cloud and get information about vm/instance/pod. Application return information about requested data or exit with error


From GitHub

python -m pip install git+

Local installation

git clone
cd pyTerrafile
pip install .


General usage:

Usage: cloud_discovery [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  aws    Find AWS instances by tag key
  azure  Find Azure vms by tag key
  do     Find Digitalocean droplets info by tag key
  gce    Find GCE vms by tag key
  k8s    Find Kubernetes pods by tag key
  li     Find Linodes info by tag key
  os     Find OpenStack instance info by tag key

General configuration:

Almost all providers following the same configuration strategy. As general strategy was choosed system environments for many reasons. Below providers specific usage and configuration.

Provider specific usage


There are two way for configuration:

  • Use ~/.aws/config file
  • System variables

For system variables make sure you exported

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - The access key for your AWS account. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - The secret key for your AWS account. AWS_DEFAULT_REGION - The default AWS Region to use, for example, us-west-1 or us-west-2.


AWS_PROFILE - The default profile to use, if any. If no value is specified, Boto3 attempts to search the shared credentials file and the config file for the default profile. AWS_CONFIG_FILE - The location of the config file used by Boto3. By default this value is ~/.aws/config. You only need to set this variable if you want to change this location.

Example of usage:
cloud_discovery aws --help
Usage: cloud_discovery aws [OPTIONS]

  Find AWS instances by tag key

  -t, --tag TEXT                  Tag name  [required]
  -o, --output [json|plain|table]
                                  Output format for received information
  -a, --attribute [name|type|state|private_ip|public_ip]
                                  Get single attribute
  -r, --region TEXT               AWS region name. Default us-east-1
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Below example how to get all instances with tag name project

cloud_discovery aws  -t project

By default output is plain

name: test-vm
type: t3.large
state: running


Command cloud_discovery aws -t project -o json


        "name": "test-vm",
        "private_ip": "",
        "public_ip": "",
        "state": "running",
        "type": "t3.large"


Command cloud_discovery aws -t project -o table


name                        | type     | state   | private_ip   | public_ip
--------------------------- | -------- | ------- | ------------ | --------------
test-vm                     | t3.large | running |    |

As one of future cloud_discovery can return elements as string, at this moment tool supports only

  • name
  • type
  • state
  • private_ip
  • public_ip
cloud_discovery aws  -t project -o table -a private_ip


System environments:

AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID - The Azure subscription id AZURE_CLIENT_ID - the service principal's client ID AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET - one of the service principal's client secrets AZURE_TENANT_ID - ID of the service principal's tenant. Also called its 'directory' ID.


export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="aa11bb33-cc77-dd88-ee99-0918273645aa"
export AZURE_TENANT_ID="00112233-7777-8888-9999-aabbccddeeff"
export AZURE_CLIENT_ID="12345678-1111-2222-3333-1234567890ab"
export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET="abcdef00-4444-5555-6666-1234567890ab"
Example of usage:
cloud_discovery azure --help
Usage: cloud_discovery azure [OPTIONS]

  Find Azure vms by tag key

  -t, --tag TEXT                  Tag name  [required]
  -o, --output [json|plain|table]
                                  Output format for received information
  -a, --attribute [name|type|state|private_ip|public_ip]
                                  Get single attribute
  -r, --resource_group TEXT       Azure resource group name
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Output format the same as for AWS

Google cloud engine


Befor starting make sure Cloud SDK installed and configured.

How to install and configure Cloud SDK

Setup system environment GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS with Your authentication credentials

	export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/tmp/google.json"
Example of usage:
cloud_discovery gce --help
Usage: cloud_discovery gce [OPTIONS]

  Find GCE vms by tag key

  -t, --tag TEXT                  Tag name  [required]
  -o, --output [json|plain|table]
                                  Output format for received information
  -a, --attribute [name|type|state|private_ip|public_ip]
                                  Get single attribute
  -r, --region TEXT               Zone name for example us-central1-a

  -p, --project TEXT              Project name  [required]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Output format the same as for AWS



Make sure you exported DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN as system variable

export DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN="dddd-dd-dddd"
Example of usage:
cloud_discovery do --help
Usage: cloud_discovery do [OPTIONS]

  Find Digitalocean droplets info by tag key

  -t, --tag TEXT                  Tag name  [required]
  -o, --output [json|plain|table]
                                  Output format for received information
  -a, --attribute [name|type|state|private_ip|public_ip|ipv6_address]
                                  Get single attribute

Output the same as for AWS



Kubernetes provider use dynamic kubernetes client library. Before start you should be connected to Kubernetes cluster via kubectl, cloud_discovery will use current cluster and context

Example of usage:
cloud_discovery k8s --help
Usage: cloud_discovery k8s [OPTIONS]

  Find Kubernetes pods by tag key

  -l, --label TEXT                Pods label  [required]
  -o, --output [json|plain|table]
                                  Output format for received information
  -a, --attribute [name|namespace|state|private_ip|public_ip]
                                  Get single attribute
  -t, --top                       Show pods statistic
  -s, --sort [cpu|memory]         Sort by value
  -m, --limit INTEGER             Number of pods in top table
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Output fields

  • name - Kubernetes pod name
  • namespace - Kubernetes namespace name
  • state - Pod current status
  • private_ip - Pod private ip
  • public_ip - Not public ip really. Kubernetes ingress hostname

Top like output per pod. You can get/sort and limit statictic about memory and cpu usage in realtime per pod.

Example of running

cloud_discovery k8s -l k8s-app=kube-proxy -t -s memory --limit 3

It means getting memory usage for application with label k8s-app=kube-proxy sorted by memory usage and show me top 3 pod





Make sure you exported LINODE_ACCESS_TOKEN as system variable

Example of usage:
cloud_discovery li --help
Usage: cloud_discovery li [OPTIONS]

  Find Linodes info by tag key

  -t, --tag TEXT                  Tag name  [required]
  -o, --output [json|plain|table]
                                  Output format for received information
  -a, --attribute [name|type|state|private_ip|public_ip|ipv6_address]
                                  Get single attribute
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Output the same as for AWS



Make sure you have next system environments:

OS_AUTH_URL - The Identity authentication URL.

OS_USERNAME - The Username to login with

OS_PASSWORD - The Password to login with

OS_PROJECT_ID - The ID of the Tenant (Identity v2) or Project (Identity v3) to login with

OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME - The domain name where the user is located.

OS_INTERFACE -OpenStack interface type

OS_REGION_NAME - The region of the OpenStack cloud to use

All variables could be exported from OpenStack rc file

Example of usage:
cloud_discovery os --help
Usage: cloud_discovery os [OPTIONS]

  Find OpenStack instance info by tag key

  -t, --tag TEXT                  Tag or property name  [required]
  -o, --output [json|plain|table]
                                  Output format for received information
  -a, --attribute [name|type|state|private_ip|public_ip]
                                  Output format for received information
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

cloud_discovery try to get information based on tag or properties


Tool for discover ip addresses of nodes in cloud environments based on meta information like tags provided by the environment.








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