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Limiter middleware for Fiber used to limit repeated requests to public APIs and/or endpoints such as password reset etc. Also useful for API clients, web crawling, or other tasks that need to be throttled.

Note: this module does not share state with other processes/servers by default.

Table of Contents


func New(config ...Config) fiber.Handler


Import the middleware package that is part of the Fiber web framework

import (

After you initiate your Fiber app, you can use the following possibilities:

// Default middleware config

// Or extend your config for customization
    Next: func(c *fiber.Ctx) bool {
        return c.IP() == ""
    Max:          20,
    Expiration:     30 * time.Second,
    KeyGenerator:          func(c *fiber.Ctx) string {
        return c.Get("x-forwarded-for")
    LimitReached: func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
        return c.SendFile("./toofast.html")
    Storage: myCustomStorage{}

Sliding window

Instead of using the standard fixed window algorithm, you can enable the sliding window algorithm.

A example of such configuration is:

    Max:            20,
    Expiration:     30 * time.Second,
    LimiterMiddleware: limiter.SlidingWindow{}

This means that every window will take into account the previous window(if there was any). The given formula for the rate is:

weightOfPreviousWindpw = previous window's amount request * (whenNewWindow / Expiration)
rate = weightOfPreviousWindpw + current window's amount request.


// Config defines the config for middleware.
type Config struct {
    // Next defines a function to skip this middleware when returned true.
    // Optional. Default: nil
    Next func(c *fiber.Ctx) bool

    // Max number of recent connections during `Duration` seconds before sending a 429 response
    // Default: 5
    Max int

    // KeyGenerator allows you to generate custom keys, by default c.IP() is used
    // Default: func(c *fiber.Ctx) string {
    //   return c.IP()
    // }
    KeyGenerator func(*fiber.Ctx) string

    // Expiration is the time on how long to keep records of requests in memory
    // Default: 1 * time.Minute
    Expiration time.Duration

    // LimitReached is called when a request hits the limit
    // Default: func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
    //   return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusTooManyRequests)
    // }
    LimitReached fiber.Handler

    // When set to true, requests with StatusCode >= 400 won't be counted.
    // Default: false
    SkipFailedRequests bool

    // When set to true, requests with StatusCode < 400 won't be counted.
    // Default: false
    SkipSuccessfulRequests bool

    // Store is used to store the state of the middleware
    // Default: an in memory store for this process only
    Storage fiber.Storage

    // LimiterMiddleware is the struct that implements limiter middleware.
	// Default: a new Fixed Window Rate Limiter
	LimiterMiddleware LimiterHandler

A custom store can be used if it implements the Storage interface - more details and an example can be found in store.go.

Default Config

var ConfigDefault = Config{
    Max:        5,
    Expiration: 1 * time.Minute,
    KeyGenerator: func(c *fiber.Ctx) string {
        return c.IP()
    LimitReached: func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
        return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusTooManyRequests)
    SkipFailedRequests: false,
    SkipSuccessfulRequests: false,
    LimiterMiddleware: FixedWindow{},