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Spotify Playback Plugin.

No iOS Implementation yet, WIP..


  • Play (track / album / playlist)
  • Resume / pause
  • Queue
  • Playback position
  • Seek
  • Seek to relative position
  • Play Next
  • Play Previous
  • Repeat
  • Shuffle
  • Get image
  • Image link to URI


IMPORTANT: Make sure you have the Spotify app installed and that you are logged in or your test device!

First, add spotify_playback as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Afterwards, download the Spotify Android SDK here and move the spotify-app-remote-release-x.x.x.aar file to android/app/libs/ in your project.

Then initialize the spotify playback sdk like this

  void initState() {

  /// Initialize the spotify playback sdk, by calling spotifyConnect
  Future<void> initConnector() async {
    try {
      await SpotifyPlayback.spotifyConnect(clientId: "", redirectUrl: "").then(
          (connected) {
        if (!mounted) return;
        // If the method call is successful, update the state to reflect this change
        setState(() {
          _connectedToSpotify = connected;
      }, onError: (error) {
        // If the method call trows an error, print the error to see what went wrong
    } on PlatformException {
      print('Failed to connect.');

After this you can use all the available methods

Available methods

Method description parameters notes
spotifyConnect Initilizes the spotify playback sdk clientId, redirectUrl
play Play's an spotify track, album or playlist spotify uri
pause Pause's the currently playing track
resume Resumes the currently paused track
queue Adds an track / playlist / album to the queue spotify uri
skipNext Play's the next track
skipPrevious Play's the previous track
seekTo Seeks to the passed time time(mS)
seekToRelativePosition Seeks to relative position +-time(mS)
toggleShuffle Toggle shuffle options
toggleShuffle Toggle Repeat options
getPlaybackPosition Get's the current tracks playback position
getImage Gets a Uint8List encoded image(memoryImage) imageUri, quality, size
imageLinkToURi Takes an image url and returns image uri(for get image) imageLink
getAuthToken Gets the authToken by using the redirect url, client id clientId, redirectUrl


Demonstrates how to use the spotify_playback plugin.

See the example documentation for more information.

Function examples


Get image accepts the following parameters:

  • URI, the spotify image uri - string
  • Quality, the quality the image should be provided in - int 0-100
  • Size, the spotify image size can be one of the following
    • ImageDimension.THUMBNAIL = 144px
    • ImageDimension.X_SMALL = 240px
    • ImageDimension.SMALL = 360px
    • ImageDimension.MEDIUM = 480px
    • ImageDimension.LARGE = 720px
//You can provide an image uri
SpotifyPlayback.getImage(uri: "spotify:image:3269971d34d3f17f16efc2dfa95e302cc961a36c", quality: 100, size: 360);

//Or you can provide an url returned webAPI
SpotifyPlayback.getImage(uri: SpotifyPlayback.imageLinkToURi(""), quality: 100, size:360);

//Theese both return a Uint8List encoded image.
//You can then use the Image.memory() to display the image



Special Thanks


Feel free to contribute by opening issues and/or pull requests. Your feedback is very welcome!


MIT License

Copyright (c) [2019] [Joran Dob] Copyright (c) [2019] [QREATE]