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📦 Flutter Profanity Words Checker 📦

A Flutter library for checking if a given text contains any profanity words.

🧪 Features

  • Supports multiple languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese (more can be added)
  • Efficient profanity word checking algorithm
  • Easy to integrate into Flutter projects

💊 Getting started

To start using flutter_profanity_words_checker, ensure you have Flutter installed and set up in your project. Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml:

    ref: 1.0.0

👨‍💻 Usage

* Import in your project

import 'package:flutter_profanity_words_checker/flutter_profanity_words_checker.dart';

* Initialize the ProfanityWordsChecker

  late final FlutterProfanityChecker _flutterProfanityChecker;

    void initState() {
        _flutterProfanityChecker = FlutterProfanityChecker(language: Language.getByLanguageCode('en'));

* Check if a text contains any profanity words -> result is a boolean value

  bool hasProfanityWords(String text) {
    return _flutterProfanityChecker.hasCurseWords(text);

* Check if a text contains any profanity words -> result is a list of profanity words

  List<String> getProfanityWords(String text) {
    return _flutterProfanityChecker.all(text);

* Change language

  void changeLanguage(Language language) {

💟 Acknowledgments

This library is used to check if a given text contains any profanity words. We would like to express our gratitude to the following individuals and organizations:

  • Robert James Gabriel: For creating and maintaining the foundation of this module.
  • Coffee & Fun LLC: For their ongoing contributions and support in developing and maintaining this package.
  • Jest team: For the testing framework that ensures the reliability and robustness of this module.
  • For providing inspiration and valuable resources for profanity word lists.
  • Eris-182: For their contributions and inspiration, particularly for the Vietnamese profanity word list.
  • The creators and contributors of the profanity word lists:

Your efforts and contributions have greatly enriched this package and made it more effective in serving its purpose. Thank you!

✨ Additional information

  • Documentation: Find more detailed usage instructions and API documentation in the API reference.
  • Contribution Guidelines: Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests on the GitHub repository.
  • Issue Tracking: If you encounter any issues or have questions about the package, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.

I strive to respond to issues and pull requests promptly. Your feedback and contributions are appreciated!