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Important info about Alpha release

Jonas Schwartz edited this page Apr 15, 2018 · 1 revision

Production applications should NEVER run on Alpha releases. There will always be risks when using Alpha. Below is outlined some precautions to take. We will always do our best, to keep it as stable as possible.


To release more often, alpha releases will not go through our usual security reviews. This means, there can be API endpoints or other, that aren't 100% secured. We will do our best to limit this, but can occur. So never upload sensitive information to your apps running on Alpha releases.

API Changes

The API will change during the alpha, so check out the documentation if a feature suddenly don't work.

This also give a great opportunity if there are API changes you would like to see, if something don't make sense, or could be better, we are more open to feedback during the alpha.


Scheduled maintenance and downtime in general, can't be expected to be advertised in advance, there will be times we would need to take down the servers, for various reasons.