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Releases: rafaelalmeidatk/Super-Pete-The-Pirate

Solved crashes and some bugs

19 Dec 07:31
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On some computers the game was crashing randomly or even not opening. This releases fixes the problem regarding the heap corruption that was causing this unexpected behaviour and also fixes some tiny bugs.

Super Pete The Pirate v1

16 Dec 23:53
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In the game you control Pete, a captain that is in your adventure at the sea. In the middle of the travel, his ship is looted by other pirates while a dense mist. They take a very important thing to Pete: his hat. Pete is put on the board and is expelled from his ship. After the mist, Pete reach a coast and decides explore it, but something happens: he found the pirates that are with his hat! Now Pete needs recover the hat no matter what happens.


Arrows: Movement
C: Jump
Z: Shot
X: Attack


.NET Framework 4.5