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# Personal Money Management App

Welcome to my personal money management app repository! This app helps me track my expenses and income easily and efficiently.

## Features

- Log daily expenses and income.
- Categorize expenses with predefined categories.
- View summary of total expenses, income, and net balance.
- I'm still working on this app.

## Technologies Used

- GraphQL
- Prisma Client
- SQLite
- Helix
- Node.js

## Setup

1. Clone this repository.

   git clone repo-link
   cd to-app-dir
  1. Install dependencies.

    npm install
  2. Set up your environment variables. Create a .env file in the root directory and add:

  3. Generate Prisma Client.

    npx prisma generate
  4. Start the GraphQL server.

    npm start
  5. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access the Helix GraphQL Playground.


  1. Add expenses: Use the addExpense mutation to log your expenses.
  2. Add income: Use the addIncome mutation to record your income.
  3. Get summaries: Use the provided queries to get expense and income summaries.


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions or found a bug, please open an issue or submit a pull request.