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  • swWidgetFormDoctrineInputCheckboxGroup : represents a group of checkbox HTML tag for a model where you can select multiple values.
  • swWidgetFormDoctrineSelectNestedSet : display a select with the NestedSet structure
  • swWidgetFormDoctrineSelectNestedSetPosition : display a select with the NestedSet structure and a position options. Some portions are inspired from the isicsPropelNestedSetPositionPlugin
  • swWidgetFormGMapAddress : represents a gmap address widget
  • swWidgetFormInputCheckboxGroup : represents a group of checkbox HTML tag for a array/callback where you can select multiple values.
  • swWidgetFormJQueryMultiAutocompleter : represents an autocompleter input widget rendered by JQuery. This autocompleter can be use to display multiple values.
  • swWidgetFormRadio : represents one radio HTML tag
  • swWidgetFormTrilean : represents a select HTML tag : yes, no and null
  • swWidgetFormjQueryStarRating : a star rating widget
  • swWidgetFormUploadify : multiple uploads using flash from


  • swValidatorDoctrineNestedSetValidator : validator for swWidgetFormDoctrineInputCheckboxGroup input
  • swValidatorDoctrineNestedSetValidatorPosition : validator for swWidgetFormDoctrineSelectNestedSetPosition input
  • swValidatorGMapAddress : validator for swValidatorGMapAddress input
  • swValidatorStupidCaptcha : stupid captcha validator input
  • swValidatorText : escape any non text input
  • swValidatorTextYaml : validate yaml text input
  • swValidatorTrilean : validator for swWidgetFormTrilean input
  • swValidatorHtmlPurifier : clean html with HTML Purifier (not provided)
  • swValidatorBlackListWords : raise an exception if a field contains black listed words
  • swValidatorUploadify : validate files sent from the swWidgetFormUploadify widget


This method have a lot of feature :

  • reset the label translation
  • define the mandatory_format (optional)
  • define the error format (optional)
  • secure the string input by using a middle class to avoid XSS. (optional)

Inside a form :

swFormHelper::resetFormLabels(sfForm $this, array(
  // define settings for the label
  'prefix'                  => 'label_',
  'catalogue'               => 'catalogue',
  'mandatory_format'        => "%s <sup>*</sup>",

  // define setting for the error message
  'error_message_prefix'    => 'error_message_',
  'error_message_catalogue' => 'global_error_messages',
  'error_message_format'    => '<span class="error">%s</span>',

  // automatically escape input with the provided
  // validator_string_class settings, default is false
  'update_validator_string' => true | false,
  'validator_string_class'  => 'swValidatorText',
  'validator_options'       => array(
    'option_1' => 'value_1',
    'option_2' => 'value_2',

Some of the settings can be set globally in the app.yml

    form_mandatory_format: "%s <sup>*</sup>"
    form_error_message_prefix: "error_message_"
    form_error_message_catalogue: "error_messages"
    form_update_validator_string: on
    form_validator_string_class: swValidatorText
      option_1: value_1
      option_2: value_2

Sample with parameters defined in the app.yml file. This allow to easily reuse your form inside a plugin.

class DemoForm extends BaseDemoForm

  public function configure()

    // ... do other stuff
    swFormHelper::resetFormLabels($this, array(
      'catalogue'   =>'catalogue',


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