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Agate is a template/scripting/markup hybrid language that aims to fix various problems with the basic web development experience. Agate aims to simply, integrate, and expand HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Agate allows the programmer to layout a web document with a much more terse and sensible language than HTML. It adds much-needed features to CSS (inspired by LESS) and implements common JavaScript components in a way that makes sense. It allows for templating and variables to be used across markup, scripts, and styles. But the best part is it compiles directly into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. No libraries are required; code output by the Agate compiler is indistinguishable from code made without it. ##Macrosyntax

Name Def
Program Block EOF
Block* newline+ (Statement ((?<!ChildBlock)newline+)?)+
Statement Template
return Exp
Template template (newline indent (Label ChildBlock)+ dedent)?
ChildBlock `newline indent (JSBlock
Label openCurly bareword closeCurly
JSBlock Exp? (js Exp? newline*)+
CSSBlock Exp? (css Exp? newline*)+
Control `If
If if Exp ChildBlock (else-if Exp ChildBlock)*(else ChildBlock)?
For for id in Iterable ChildBlock
Iterable Exp
Array `openSquare (Arg+
ArgBlock newline indent (Arg newline)+ dedent
Arg Exp
While while Exp ChildBlock
Assignment `Exp (AddExp
Definition def bareword openParen (id comma?)* closeParen ChildBlock
Exp `(Include
TernaryIfExp BoolExp (question BoolExp colon BoolExp)?
BoolExp RelExp (boolop RelExp)*
RelExp AddExp (relop AddExp)*
AddExp `MultExp ((plus
MultExp PostfixExp (multop PostfixExp)*
PostfixExp ElemFuncExp postfixop?
ElemFuncExp ArrayElemExp (tilde bareword Args?)*
ArrayElemExp `MiscExp (openSquare (bareword
MiscExp `Literal
openParen Exp closeParen
** `(prefixop
Literal `String
String stringlit (interpolate Exp \interpolate stringlit)*
Include include stringlit
Call `(BuiltIn
BuiltIn `script
HtmlSelect `HtmlClass
HtmlClass dot bareword
HtmlId hash bareword
Attrs `openSquare (Attr+
AttrBlock newline indent (Attr newline)+ dedent
Attr `(stringlit
Args openParen (Arg (comma? Arg)*)? closeParen
Arg (comma? Arg)*
HashMap `openCurly (Attr+

*Statements end in newlines. However, a dedent will always follow a newline. So for ChildBlock to work properly, it has to gobble the newline. Thus, the negative lookbehind

**Both appops are also prefixops

##Features (Overview)

  • Terse, JavaScript-like markup
  • Variables accessible in markup, styles, and scripts
  • Templates for easy code and widget reuse
  • Nested classes in styles
  • Compilation to HTML, JavaScript, and CSS
  • Compiler options to output in one document, or three (one HTML, one JS, and one CSS)

##Features (Specific)


  • Whitespace-based code blocking.
  • Loosely typed variables delimited by the @ symbol.
    • Supports Booleans (boolean), integers (int), floating-point numbers (float), strings (strings), and arrays (array).
    • Type specification is not required because type can be inferred.
    • Variable assignment via the = symbol.
  • Basic arithmetic operators and parentheses are supported
    • 0, 0.0, and "" evaluate to false when converted to a boolean. All other values evaluate to true.
    • Integers divided by integers result in truncated integers.
      • 3 / 2 produces 1.
    • Floats divided by integers or integers divided by floats will be floats.
      • 3.0 / 2 and 3 / 2.0 both produce 1.5.
    • Types can be casted with boolean, int, float, and string.
      • Parentheses are optional.
      • Casting to boolean is almost never necessary, because all values can be automatically cast to a boolean value.
      • int 3.0 / 2 and int(3.0 / 2) produce 1.
      • float(2 + 2) produces 4.0
      • string(float 4) produces '4.0'
    • Variables and literals can be concatenated by placing them next to each other
      • Concatenation will always result in a string.
      • "Hello " 4.0 " World" produces "Hello 4.0 World".
      • "Hello " float(2 + 2) " World" produces "Hello 4.0 World".
  • Simple control blocks such as if/else and for loops.
    • Includes a ternary statement ? true_case : false_case operator
  • Functions
    • Function signatures are the def keyword, followed by an identifier, followed by parenthesized parameters
      • ex: def my_function(arg1 arg2 arg3)
    • Indentation block below constitutes body of function
    • Functions are invoked with the identifier, followed by parenthesized arguments
      • ex: my_function(1 "string" @variable)
    • Any markup generated in functions will be inserted where function is called
    • Functions return the last computed value
      • The return keyword can also be used in the usual way
  • Import widgets (copy/paste style) into code with > filename.
    • Importing copy/pastes the code THEN compiles as if they were one document. >> filename imports code as raw text and does not compile it.
  • Invoke templates with | filename.
  • Comments are C-style, \\ denoting a single-line comment.
    • Comments will insert HTML comments into the code.
    • Adding an exclamation point (\\! comment) will prevent the comment from occurring in HTML in the compiled document.
    • Block comments can be achieved with indentation.


  • Templates define labels with square brackets, such as [label].
  • Files that invoke templates will define the contents of these labels by indenting after a template invocation, inserting labels with square brackets ([label]), then inserting template content after the labels
    • Indentation block after label will be inserted where the corresponding label in the template is.
    • "One liners" can be written right after the name of a label.
  • Templating works like reverse widget importing. Code will be inserted and then the resultant file will be compiled.


  • Any HTML tag can be placed with the tag name.
    • p in agate produces <p></p>.
    • HTML attributes can be parenthesized.
      • They are name 'value' and comma-separated.
      • Quotes around value are optional.
      • id and class have shortcuts # and . respectively and do not require a space.
        • p(#ourP, .red) produces <p id="ourP" class="red"></p>.
      • ex: img(#ourImage, .thumbnail, src image.jpg, alt "Alt text!")
    • Content of tag (assuming non-self-closing tag) is in indented block
      • Contents can be included in one line if short, such as p "contents of p"
        • Contents can include variables and literals.
          • Note, that a string literal containing raw HTML will be inserted into the resultant document.
        • This content can include tags
          • Content belonging to tag is non-greedy.
            • p strong "bold" " stuff" produces <p><strong>bold</strong> stuff</p>.
          • Curly brackets can optionally be used to change this behavior
            • p{strong "bold" " stuff"} produces <p><strong>bold stuff</strong></p>.
  • Import external CSS and JavaScript files with css "filename" and js "filename" shortcuts, respectively.
  • Some basic, common JavaScript idioms will be implemented directly in Agate.
    • Elements can be selected by id or class name via #name and .name, respectively.
      • Any element in the document can be accessed anywhere in the document.
    • Any selection can be preceded by a ~event where event is any HTML event attribute.
      • i.e. ~onclick, ~onsubmit,~onpause
        • The "on" is optional, so .click, .submit, and .pause would work.
      • The contents of the event block will execute when that event happens.
        • For instance, when a form is submitted, a p tag that says "thank you for submitting" can appear.
      • Attributes of the parent element can be accessed with just ~attr.
        • Imagine this~attr but with an implicit this because having this is lame.
      • Note: inserting an element counts as a selection, so p(#myP) "a paragraph" followed by #myP~mouseover is equivalent to p(#myP) "a paragraph" ~mouseover


  • Raw CSS can be put in a style block
    • Contents of a style block will be passed directly into a <style type="text/css"></style> tag.
  • CSS placed in style blocks will be preprocessed
    • Nested classes will be compiled, similar to how they work in LESS and SASS
    • Variable values introduced earlier in the document can be referenced in the CSS
      • If, before the style block, the programmer writes @foo = "red" then the CSS background-color:@foo will be converted into background-color: red
  • CSS can be imported and templated in the same way as normal Agate
    • > and | statements can be written at top-level indentation and will be escaped from the CSS
    • ex: injecting the contents of p_styles.css would go like
        p: {
            background-color: red;
    > p_styles.css


  • Raw JavaScript can be put in a script block.
    • Contents of a script block will be passed directly into a <script type="text/javascript"></script tag.
  • JavaScript placed in script blocks will be preprocessed.
    • Any time '@variable' occurs, for any identifier in place of variable, that entire statement will be replaced with the corresponding value.
    • ex: the following creates an alert dialog that says 42
    @foo = 42
  • JavaScript can be imported and templated in the same way CSS is imported and templated, as described above.


  • Insert JavaScript where JavaScript-compiled code occurs or combine all JavaScript in script tag at the end of the document
  • Compile code into one HTML document, or compile into an HTML, a CSS, and a JavaScript file.


  • Values taken from attributes via selectors will be implicitly typecast
    • The agate compiler will try to figure out the best return type of #myInput~value
    • The precedence is as follows
      • If the value is true, false, 0, or 1, the value is a Boolean
        • This does mean that even if a value 0 or 1 is meant to be an integer, it will be initially cast as a boolean. However, all arithmetic operators implicitly convert Booleans to integers or floats depending on the context so it shouldn't matter.
      • Otherwise, if the value is an integer, the type is made integer
      • Otherwise, if the value is a float ("digits . digits E digits"), the type is made float
        • Actual matching pattern for floats: /(\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([Ee]\d+)?/
      • Otherwise, value is made a string.
  • We detect for circular dependencies.


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