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Automation- Docker ENV setup and install Jenkins

  • Step 1:
Edit the hosts file by adding you node ips and keyfile
  • Step 2:
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml
  1. This will Set the hostname, install docker in all Nodes
  2. Install Jenkins, provision Docker private registry and pull a docker image

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Automation- Kubernetes Cluster Automation

  • Step 1:
Edit the hosts file by adding you node ips and keyfile
  • Step 2:
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml

This will provision the master and worker nodes.

  • Step 3:
ansible-playbook -i hosts workers.yml

This will join the worker nodes to the master.

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Automation- Configure MongoDB Replication

  • Step 1:
Edit the hosts file by adding you node ips and keyfile
  • Step 2:
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml
  1. This will provision MongoDB in all Nodes
  2. Sets up the master and worker nodes

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Automation- Configure NFS(Network File System)

  • Step 1:
Edit the hosts file by adding you node ips and keyfile
  • Step 2:
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml
  1. This will Set the hostname and add to /etc/hosts file in all Nodes
  2. Install NFS-server in server and exports the configured nfs directory
  3. Install nfs-common in all clients and Mounts the target shared directory in a specific location