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This is a project about using Spark with Scala and IntelliJ IDE. I participated in the Kaggle Knowledge Competition called House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques and used their datasets (put them inside a data/ folder). The goal of the competition is to predict the sales price for each house. The models are evaluated using Root-Mean-Squared-Error (RMSE), which means that the lower the value, the better -- the predictions are close to the actual house prices.


  • IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1.3
  • scala = 2.11.12
  • spark = 2.4.5

How to build (create the jar file)

This assumes that you are using IntelliJ IDE. This part is similar to using sbt assembly command if you are using the sbt plugin.

  1. File -> Project Structure -> Artifacts -> + -> JAR -> "From modules with dependencies...".

  2. Fill in the information and make sure to tick the box: "Include in project build". Same as shown in the picture below:

    Project structure

  3. Click OK. Then "Build Project". It will generate the jar file inside the out/artifacts/.

How to run using spark

Again, this assumes that you are using IntelliJ IDE. This part is similar to using spark-submit command if you have spark in your machine.

  1. Run -> Edit Configurations... -> + -> Application

  2. Name it "spark-submit", just for ease of understanding.

    • Main class: org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit
    • VM options: -Dspark.master=local[2]
    • Program arguments: --class <name_of_class> <location_of_jar_file> args, example:
    --class kaggle.houseprice.HPRegression /<location_path>/out/artifacts/kaggle_house_price_jar/kaggle_house_price.jar data/train.csv data/test.csv data/sample_submission.csv tmp/submission

    It looks like this:


  3. Click OK. Run "spark-submit". It will generate the CSV file inside the tmp/submission/, which you can submit to Kaggle.

Kaggle submission

  • Check the RMSE of the sample_submission.csv sample_submission
  • Trial submission using Linear Regression with one feature. sample_submission
  • Linear Regression with more features: combination of numerics and categories. sample_submission
  • Linear Regression with more features: combination of numerics and categories + hyperparameter tuning via cross-validation. sample_submission



Repo for using scala in a kaggle house price prediction.







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