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πŸ— Profile

  • πŸ‘‹ Hi, I'm Bruce Song, a Web Developer and Open-Source enthusiast.
  • πŸ“– I'm interested in reading different books and making something amazing.
  • 🌱 I'm currently focusing on React, Vue, TypeScript, Nest.js and React Native.
  • πŸ’žοΈ I'm looking to collaborate on any Open-Source project.
  • πŸš€ I'm recently built an admin system named Dolphin Admin based on Vue 3, TypeScript, Naive UI and TailwindCSS, also have a React Version.
  • 🌐 I'm also good at building Node.js CLI tools and enterprise website with SSR/SSG framework such as Gatsby, Next.js and Nuxt.js.
  • πŸ€ If you are interested in making open source projects together, please contact me with my WeChat Recall4056.
  • πŸ“« You can also contact me with my email
  • πŸ’ͺ My tech stacks: HTML | CSS | SCSS | TailwindCSS | JavaScript | TypeScript | React | Vue | Svelte | Vite | Next.js | Nuxt.js | Node.js | Express.js | Nest.js | | Prisma | PostgreSQL | Docusaurus | Gatsby | Astro | React Native | Stroybook | Turbo Repo | Nx | Changesets | Front-end FSD Architecture

πŸ¦„ Projects

  • Bit Ocean Infra: πŸš€ Built reliable infrastructure for Bit Ocean.
  • raipiot 2F: raipiot 2F SaaS product, with admin PaaS, a shopping website and an SSO site.
  • raipiot Infra: raipiot infrastracture.
  • Soya Energy App: A modern business app both on iOS & Android platform, based on React Native, TypeScript and Tamagui.
  • Soya Energy Website: A modern business website based on Next.js, TypeScript, Turbopack and TailwindCSS.
  • unplugin-auto-import-ahooks: A resolver for auto import ahooks based on unplugin-auto-ahooks.
  • unplugin-auto-import-antd: A resolver for auto import antd components based on unplugin-auto-import.
  • What to eat?: A Svelte, TypeScript project.
  • Dolphin Admin Core: Universe core utils and plugins for Dolphin Admin.
  • Dolphin Admin React : An elegant admin template based on React, TypeScript, antd and TailwindCSS.
  • Dolphin Admin Vue : An elegant admin template based on Vue 3, TypeScript, Naive UI and TailwindCSS.
  • Dolphin Admin Nest : Dolphin Admin API server based on Nest.js, TypeScript, Prisma and PostgreSQL.
  • Tornado X: A CLI tool for adding engineering suites for projects.
  • Create Tornado: A CLI tool for scaffolding a project from an opinionated template for popular frameworks.
  • ESLint Config : A ESLint for JavaScript, TypeScript projects, pulished to npm.
  • Rspress Starter Template: A Rspress, TypeScript template project.
  • React Native Starter Template : A React Native, TypeScript template project.
  • Nest Starter Template : A Nest, TypeScript template project.
  • Express Starter Template : A Express, TypeScript template project.
  • React Starter Template : A React, TypeScript template project.
  • Vue Starter Template : A Vue 3, TypeScript template project.
  • Blog : My personal blog to record something whatever I want. Based on Astro.
  • Wiki : Used to record various questions and knowledge points. Archived in the Show Case of Docusaurus.
  • Taskward : A Todo&Tasks web application. Based on React, TypeScript.
  • Resume Generator : Use markdown to write your resume. Based on Vue 3, TypeScript.
  • QRCode Generator : Generate QRCodes more easily by specific templates. Based on Vue 3, TypeScript.
  • lidebiji : A demo of the enterprise website customized for LiDeBiJi. Based on React, Gatsby.
  • VSCode Settings : My custom VSCode settings, code snippets, extensions.
  • Code Magician : VSCode Extension with JavaScript, React, Vue code snippets, out of box.
  • Front-end Universe : A website used to collect various front-end-related resources. Based on Nuxt.js 3, TypeScript.

If my projects helped you or you appreciate them, you can give me a star~ ⭐

πŸ•ΉοΈ Organizations

  • 🌊 Bit Ocean: An open-source team focused on Web Dev and dedicated to building anything.

πŸ’« Dream

function* myLife(){

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