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test-report-junit-xml is a tool for producing JUnit XML reports from clojure.test test suites.


JUnit XML test reports are the de-facto standard for machine-readable test metadata. Continuous integration tools like Jenkins and CircleCI use it to produce test summaries.

There is already a plugin available for Leiningen to produce JUnit XML. We ran into an issue with the output that made it more difficult to trace back to the source of failures in CI. We therefore have rolled our own which aims to:

  • produce comprehensive output, including context provided by clojure.test/testing statements;
  • hook into the existing lein test task, rather than creating a separate task;
  • preserve the default test output written to stdout; and
  • allow customization of the output.


The easiest way to get started is to add the lein-test-report-junit-xml plugin to your Leiningen project map. As it's only used in tests, it's best to add it only to the :test profile:

:profiles {:test {:plugins [[lein-test-report-junit-xml "0.2.0"]]}}


test-report-junit-xml is built on top of test-report, which hooks into the clojure.test/run-tests function, so will automatically be included when running lein test.

An example project demonstrating usage with CircleCI is available here.

Output location

By default, reports are written to a directory called test-reports created in the target directory. This location can be overridden by specifying the :output-dir option under :test-report-junit-xml in the project map (again, this should probably go under the :test profile):

:test-report-junit-xml {:output-dir "somewhere/else"}

The environment variable TEST_REPORT_JUNIT_XML_OUTPUT_DIR, if present, takes precedence over the value specified in the project.

The directory (and its parents) will be created if they do not already exist.

Customizing output

You can customize the formatting of stacktraces by specifying the :format-stacktrace option:

:test-report-junit-xml {:format-stacktrace custom/format-stacktrace}

The given function should accept a Throwable and return a string with the formatted stacktrace. The default is to capture the output of clojure.stacktrace/print-cause-trace.

For more extensive customization, you can specify the :format-result option instead:

:test-report-junit-xml {:format-stacktrace custom/format-result}

The given function should accept a result message (as passed to clojure.test/report) and return a map representing the emitted XML element, for example:

{:tag :failure
 :attrs {:message "Denied!"}
 :content "Your test failed :("}

Messages with {:type :pass} should usually be ignored by returning nil from the function.


Copyright © 2017 Red Badger

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.