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Mobbage - a HTTP stress test and benchmark tool

Mobbage is a python script intended to be used as a stress testing tool for HTTP(S) servers and web-aware applications. It is similar to (and directly inspired by) siege, a HTTP load testing utility by Jeffrey Fulmer (and available at

Mobbage, however, includes a few more bells and whistles (keepalives, http/2, authentication, cookiejar support, multipart/form-data uploads, etc) as well as the ability to provide a complex test plan via a URL job file.


Installation is as simple as:

pip install mobbage

This should install mobbage and all of its required Python modules (which is only the requests module at this point) from PyPI. If you must have the absolute latest and greatest, you can install directly from this repo:

pip install


Mobbage can be controlled either via the command line or via a specially constructed job file (or both; global defaults can be specified via the command line and overriden by variables in the job file).

Command-line options can be grouped into these categories:

Request control:

URL                      URL(s) to fetch
-f str, --jobfile str    Read job data from this file
-F str, --urlfile str    Read url data from this file. Mutually exclusive
                         with -f
-m str, --method str     HTTP method to use. Default is 'GET'
-a str, --agent str      Set User-Agent request header
-H str, --header str     Send request header in 'name:value' format. Specify
                         more than once for multiple headers
-u str, --upload str     Upload a file via multipart/form-data POST. Must be
                         formatted as 'form_var:file_path[:content_type]'.
                         If content type isn't specified, a best guess will
                         be made based on the filename. This option can be
                         specified more than once. Forces method to be POST
-i, --insecure           Disable SSL certificate validation
-k, --nokeepalive        Disable keep-alive requests
-c str, --cookiejar str  Path to Unix/Netscape formatted cookie jar file.
-2, --http2              Use HTTP/2 standard (experimental).


-A str, --auth str       Auth credentials in 'username:password' format
-T str, --authtype str   Authentication type to use: basic(default), digest

Flow control:

-w N, --workers N        Use this many concurrent workers. Default is 1
-n N, --num N            Quit after exceeding this number of requests
-t N, --time N           Quit after running for this number of seconds
-b N, --bytes N          Quit after for this number of seconds
-e N, --errors N         Quit after encountering this many errors
-d N, --delay N          Pause N ms after each request. Default is 0
-r, --random             Fetch URLs in random order instead of sequentially

Output control (mutually exclusive):

-q, --quiet              Suppress all output
-j, --json               Format results as JSON
-s, --csv                Format results as CSV
-p, --progress           Show progress bar
-V, --verbose            Print verbose worker output


-g str, --graphite str   Graphite host to use, defined as 'server[:port]'
-P str, --prefix str     Prefix for graphite metrics. Default is 'mobbage'


-v, --version            Show version and quit
-h, --help               Show this help text

URL File Format:

The url file is a newline delimited list of URLs (and optionally methods and POST idata) compatible with the siege file format, e.g.: GET POST foo=bar&bin=baz

Job file format

The job file is a JSON formatted array of objects, with each object representing a single URL to test. Options for each test should be specified in key:value form for each test object, using the same key name as the long versions of the option names from the command line. Options that are honored in the job objects are:

  • url
  • num
  • data
  • delay
  • method
  • agent
  • header
  • upload
  • insecure
  • nokeepalive
  • auth
  • authtype

Options not specified in a job object will inherit values set on the command line, and default values otherwise. The "header" and "upload" should be specified as JSON arrays of strings.

Example file format:

    { "url": "", "count": 100,
      "header": ["", "accept-language:en-us"] },
    { "url": "",
      "agent": "lulzBot/0.1", "delay": 50 },
    { "url": "", "method": "POST",
      "data": "field1=boo&field2=baz" },
    { "url": "", "count": 10,
      "upload": ["file1:/tmp/foo.txt", "file2:/tmp/"] }


  • HTTP/2 support is implemented via the Python hyper module, which is in early alpha. There will be bugs. To enable HTTP/2 support, you must first installed hyper: pip install hyper.
  • URLs cannot be specified on the command line if you are using a job control file
  • User agents can be specified either via the -a option or by specifying a user-agent header manually via the -H option. If both are specified, the value set by the -H option takes precedence.
  • Keep-alives can be disabled either via the -k flag or by setting the connection header to "close". If you use the -k flag, however, you will overwrite anything previously specified in the connection header.
  • Cookie jars (specified via -c) are read and maintained on a per-worker basis, and not written back to the orignal file on disk. So, cookies that are set in each worker can be used for the next request to the same resource, but are not shared amongst workers, and cannot be persisted to subsequent mobbage sessions.
  • All of the output control flags are mutually exclusive (so you can't have a progress bar with CSV output, for example).
  • Reports sent to a Graphite carbon server are done via UDP, and thus will not produce an error if the carbon server is unreachable. If the carbon server's port is not specified, it is assumed to be 2003.

Want to help?

Patches are always welcome! See the contributing guide to get started.


A HTTP stress test & benchmarking tool



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