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Releases: redis-store/redis-actionpack

Signed/Encrypted Cookies and Updates for Rack 2.0.8

13 Jan 21:54
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Recently, Rack was updated to v2.0.8 to address a session hijack vulnerability by way of a timing attack. This change provides support for the newest version of Rack. Shoutouts to @le0pard for being on it and getting it through the goalpost.

This also adds support for storing a user's personal session data in a signed/encrypted cookie on the client, similarly to the CookieStore that comes out of ActionPack. We've had this released for a while as v2.1.0.pre. To enable this feature, use the signed: true option in your session store setup.

Signed/Encrypted Cookies Support

18 Sep 16:31
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This adds support for storing a user's personal session data in a signed/encrypted cookie on the client, similarly to the CookieStore that comes out of ActionPack. To enable this feature, use the signed: true option in your session store setup. We're releasing this as a prerelease version in order to see how this fares in the wild before doing a full release to the general public, so give it a whirl for us!

Support Rails 6

23 Aug 15:43
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This just bumps the version constraint so we are now supporting Rails 6.

Resolve dependency hell

04 Nov 16:09
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This should prevent users from having to specify each individual redis-store gem in Gemfile. You can now replace those calls with:

gem 'redis-rails', '~> 5.0.0'