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This module provides a task for running Puppet task plans by invoking Bolt on the target system.

This can be useful because it provides a shim into invoking task plans programatically via an API, since tasks can be invoked via an API. Therefore, if we have a task that can invoke a plan, we have a means of invoking a plan via the Puppet orchestrator API.

Example Usage

bolt task run taskplan \
  --modulepath /example/modules \
  --nodes local://localhost \
  --params '{"plan":"taskplan::test","params":{"message":"Hello"},"arguments":{"modulepath":"/example/modules"}}'

Plan-specific tailored taskplan task

The task taskplan is generic, and can run any plan, but because it permits the user to pass arbitrary command line flags to Bolt, it is effectively a privileged task.

As an alternative to permitting users to run the generic privileged task, a plan-specific tailored task, built on taskplan, can be created.

To create a tailored plan-specific taskplan, use the following pattern.

tailored.json file:

  "description": "Sample plan-specific tailored taskplan task",
  "parameters": {
    "my_plans_parameter": {
      "type": "String",
      "description": "The first parameter from the plan"
    "my_plans_other_parameter": {
      "type": "Integer",
      "description": "Another parameter from the plan"
  "input_method": "stdin",
  "files": [

tailored.rb file:

require 'json'

$params = {
  'params' => JSON.parse(,
  'plan'   => 'example::myplan',

taskplanrb = File.join($params['params']['_installdir'], 'taskplan', 'tasks', 'init.rb')
