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Lightweight read-only S3 compatible object storage interface for local filesystems.

  • Zero state
  • Works across filesystems
  • Multiple identities
  • Rule based access control
  • Automatic Content-Type detection

Authentication and Access Control

Access to LS3 resources are controlled through an identity and an optional global policy.

An identity that allows access to any action and resource on the server

  "Name": "example",
  "AccessKeyId": "EXAMPLE",
  "SecretAccessKey": "<securestring>",
  "Policy": [
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": "*"


An identity is an access key ID and secret access key pair, along with a policy specific to that identity. An identity also has a name to identify it in logs, and in conditional policy evaluation.

Root Identity

The root identity has full access to any action and resource on the server. You can provide an access key id and secret access key through the command-line or environment, or ls3 will generate random keys on startup.

Public Identity

The public identity is a special identity used for when a request provides no authentication mechanism. A public identity is one that has an empty AccessKeyId.

By default, the public identity is denied access to everything unless you enable public access.

When public access is not enabled, the public identity is configured as such:

  "Name": "public",
  "AccessKeyId": "",
  "Policy": [
      "Deny": true,
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": "*"

You can override this behaviour by configuring your own public identity. When you configure a public identity this overrides the behaviour set by allow public access, and is up to you to deny access if desired.


Policies control what an identity has access to. A policy consists of one or more actions, along with one or more resources of that action that describe what each policy applies to.

If there are no policies that match a given request then access is denied.

You can configure a global policy that applies to all identities.


You can use wildcard characters (* and ?) anywhere in an action or resource. A * character matches anything up to the character proceeding it, and a ? matches any single character.

Allow access to s3:GetObject in the example bucket on any file that ends with .txt or .html

  "Action": "s3:GetObject",
  "Resource": [

Explicit Deny

If a policy is an explicit deny, then any requests that match that policy will be denied. Even if there is another policy that allows that access.

Deny any access to the secret bucket

  "Deny": true,
  "Action": [
  "Resource": "secret/*"


You can add one or more Condition to any policy that limits the scope of that policy to only requests that match those conditions.

  "Condition": {
    "<ConditionOperator>": {
      "<ContextKey>": [

Allow access from

  "Action": "*",
  "Resource": "*",
  "Condition": {
    "IpAddress": {
      "aws:SourceIp": ""

Deny access if request is not secure (not using HTTPS)

  "Deny": true,
  "Action": "*",
  "Resource": "*",
  "Condition": {
    "Bool": {
      "aws:SecureTransport": "false"
Condition Operators
Operator Description
StringEquals True if any are exactly equal
StringNotEquals True if none are exactly equal
StringEqualsIgnoreCase True if any are exactly equal (case insensitive)
StringNotEqualsIgnoreCase True if none are exactly equal (case insensitive)
StringLike True if matches any wildcard pattern
StringNotLike True if not match all wildcard patterns
IpAddress True if matches any IP or CIDR range
NotIpAdress True if not matches all IP or CIDR range
Bool True if all boolean values are equal. False if not a boolean
Global Context Keys

These context keys apply to all requests

Key Type Description
aws:SourceIp IpAddress The IP address of the client
aws:SecureTransport Bool Was the request made over HTTPS
aws:username String The Name of the identity making the request. public if unauthorized
ls3:authenticated Bool Is the request made with an authenticated identity