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Transform hast properties to a list of mdxJsxAttribute nodes.


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Transform hast properties to a list of mdxJsxAttribute nodes.

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npm install hast-util-properties-to-mdx-jsx-attributes


propertiesToMdxJsxAttributes takes hast properties, and transform them to a list of mdxJsxAttribute nodes. This is useful when creating an MDX plugin where you want to enhance a hast element with JSX specific features, but you don’t want to transform all child nodes.

For example, this plugin prefixes all id attributes on hast elements with the id prop passed to the MDX document.

import { type Root } from 'hast'
import { propertiesToMdxJsxAttributes } from 'hast-util-properties-to-mdx-jsx-attributes'
import { type Plugin } from 'unified'
import { visit } from 'unist-util-visit'

const rehypeMdxPrefixId: Plugin<[], Root> = () => (ast) => {
  visit(ast, 'element', (element, index, parent) => {
    let hasId = false
    const replacement = {
      type: 'mdxJsxFlowElement',
      name: element.tagName,
      attributes: propertiesToMdxJsxAttributes(, {
        transform(name, value) {
          hasId = true

          return {
            type: 'BinaryExpression',
            operator: '+',
            left: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'id' },
            right: {
              type: 'MemberExpression',
              computed: false,
              optional: false,
              object: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'props' },
              property: { type: 'Literal', value }
      children: element.children

    if (hasId) {
      parent!.children[index!] = replacement

export default rehypeMdxPrefixId


propertiesToMdxJsxAttributes(properties, options?)

Transform hast properties to a list of mdxJsxAttribute nodes.


  • properties (Properties) — The hast properties to transform.
  • options (object) — Additional options to pass. The following options are supported:
    • elementAttributeNameCase ('html' | 'react') — The casing to use for attribute names. This should match the elementAttributeNameCase option specified in the MDX options. (Default: 'react')
    • space ('html' | 'svg') — The space the hast properties are in. (Default: 'html')
    • transform (function) — A function to transform an attribute value. The function gets called with the name of the MDX JSX attribute that’s being generated, the value that would be used if no transform function is passed, and the value as it was in the hast properties. It should return an ESTree expression or string to represent the value, or null or undefined to generate an attribute with no value.


The hast properties as a list of mdxJsxAttribute nodes.


This project is compatible with Node.js 16 or greater.


MIT © Remco Haszing


Transform hast properties to a list of mdxJsxAttribute nodes.




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